Civilians guarding recruiting centers...."Stand Down"

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The question I have.....why arent military personnel allowed to carry weapons....atleast a those sites?
You can bet the anti-gun lobby is behind this, Dan-o. These are real patriots, who's help is evidently not wanted. Our Gov't wants sheep for citizens. Every negative incident is fuel for the anti- second amendment push. They, the Obama administration, don't want a positive incident to counter their agenda. Gun restrictions have failed to protect the people. Why not give the US citizens a chance to counter evil and deter or stop the next shooting? Are they afraid it might work? Like the war on drugs and many other Gov't sponsored actions, it's been a disaster. I began to worry when they started telling kids what school they had to attend and bused them out of their neighborhoods. Then God was no longer welcome in schools or public buildings? It all is tied together. The federal Gov't grew too big and way beyond it's intended purpose.
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You can bet gun hating lobby is behind this, Dan-o. These are real patriots, who's help is evidently not wanted. Our Gov't wants sheep for citizens. Every negative incident is fuel for the anti- second amendment push. They, the Obama administration, don't want a positive incident to countering their agenda. Gun restrictions have failed to protect the people. Why not give the US citizens a chance to counter evil and deter or stop the next shooting? Are they afraid it might work? Like the war on drugs and many other Gov't sponsored actions, it's been a disaster. I began to worry when they started telling kids what school they had to attend and bused them out of their neighborhoods. Then God was no longer welcome in schools or public buildings? It all is tied together. The federal Gov't grew too big and way beyond it's intended purpose.

Best tag line out of the movie "V for Vendetta" People should not fear their government, Government should fear its people." Also a favourite of mine...Quis custodiet ipsos custodes....Who watches the Watchers?
The question I have.....why arent military personnel allowed to carry weapons....atleast a those sites?

That has never made sense to me either. Not even the people in the military?
The question I have.....why arent military personnel allowed to carry weapons....atleast a those sites?

I don't understand this's the Armed Forces of The United States fer crissakes....what d'ya think they do....weave baskets? One official stated that the armed civilians aren't needed, that "we are well equipped to handle threats"......uh...I don't think so!! :blink000:

You can bet gun hating lobby is behind this, Dan-o. These are real patriots, who's help is evidently not wanted. Our Gov't wants sheep for citizens. Every negative incident is fuel for the anti- second amendment push. They, the Obama administration, don't want a positive incident to countering their agenda. Gun restrictions have failed to protect the people. Why not give the US citizens a chance to counter evil and deter or stop the next shooting? Are they afraid it might work? Like the war on drugs and many other Gov't sponsored actions, it's been a disaster. I began to worry when they started telling kids what school they had to attend and bused them out of their neighborhoods. Then God was no longer welcome in schools or public buildings? It all is tied together. The federal Gov't grew too big and way beyond it's intended purpose.

Absolutely Steve-o!! O'Bummer recently said that one of his greatest frustrations as potus is his inability to get "common sense gun legislation" passed.

Common sense gun legislation...of course...just another way of saying no guns at all!!

They should all pay attention to Herr Blomos "common sense gun legislation" here in NY....he rammed thru his mighty Safe Act and all the law enforcement agencies in the state, judges, prosecutors, etc. have publicly stated they will not enforce it.

So even if OB does get some bullshit thing passed he will have to create some federal 'storm troopers' to enforce it.....and we all know what comes after that.....
If you take the most democratic large cities with strict gun controls out of the mix of gun / murder statistics , the USA is a very safe place to live. Potus doesn't want to hear the truth , it usually contradicts his agendas.
Copied straight from my Facebook page:

Justin P. Emery via Navy Times
July 23 at 11:45pm ·
Lt. Gen. Brilakis, I have one thing to say to you.

GET YOUR CUNTED HEAD OUT OF YOUR FUCKING ASS! If you will not allow the Marines you station at the recruitment centers the means to defend themselves, then you NEED to let others do the job!

Personally, I think it is a travisty that some desk jockey such as yourself should be in a position that you are allowed to make decisions that place MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS-IN-ARMS at risk! I served proudly (91-95) and those officers above me ALL showed a hundred times as much common sense that you have shown. Any of them I would have (and would still) follow through the Gates of Tartarrus and back. You, I would not follow to the latrine.

The government won't defend us and they won't let us defend ourselves. I suppose we are to lay down and die, huh? What's the average response time for 911 again? Sickening.
The government won't defend us and they won't let us defend ourselves. I suppose we are to lay down and die, huh? What's the average response time for 911 again? Sickening.

The average time is, after you're dead, or severely injured & traumatized. We were at a party yesterday and one of the elderly guest collapsed to the ground. We have very good EMT and police response in our town. It still took 15 minutes before their arrival. They said they were in the area already and that's how they got there so fast. Not a knock on them. But, in 15 minutes the whole party could have been shot. My point is the police can't reasonably be expected to protect us. It is a personal responsibility. God bless those, willing to protect others. Here in Ma, they have a 10 round minimum, among the many repressive laws . That gets someone out gunned in too many circumstances. I'm getting the wife educated and certified in firearms. She just might be getting a small caliber AR-15 for Christmas (10 round mag. of course).
Wow.....but with this administration....I'm not Fuc*ing surprised...

Sad testament but this says it all....ANYTHING is possible.........:punk:

W'out a doubt the 'stand down' directive came straight from the oral office....makes absolutely no difference to potus that good men & women are placed in harms way if it furthers his agenda!
The Military's Prime Objective is to protect us. And, They're not even allowed to protect themselves? That picture is worth a million bad words.... When the shit hits the fan this government will fear us.... Of course by then we'll all be living in so called FEMA Camps to protect the country from us.:bang head::confused2:
The Military's Prime Objective is to protect us. And, They're not even allowed to protect themselves? That picture is worth a million bad words.... When the shit hits the fan this government will fear us.... Of course by then we'll all be living in so called FEMA Camps to protect the country from us.:bang head::confused2:

I could not agree more, they will fear us, and for good reason. As far as the military goes, you watch how many troops defect after realizing they are on the wrong side of the fence. I no longer fear sounding like a fruit cake talking about this. I think we all see it coming. The sad truth is it has to happen or things will only get worse for citizens.

I'm not so worried anymore, I read in a couple places this morning (aside from a poll in my local rag showing the same) that Donald Trump is topping polls. There is no doubt that with his underhanded business tactics and reality-TV experience he is well equipped to serve the USA as commander and chief.

This is going to be a very unpleasant ride.
The reason they don't want recruiters to carry weapons is due to the fact that they are suppose to come off as inviting and friendly, not as war hardened soldiers.

And personally I don't think the question here should be why didn't they have weapons, it should be why doesn't everyone carry weapons.

Btw I am a veteran of 13 years.
I'm starting to think that carrying concealed is the way to go... whether it's "permitted" or not. As long as there's no trouble, there's NO TROUBLE! BTW, I have both Arizona and Utah carry permits and can carry in 39 states at last count.
I'm starting to think that carrying concealed is the way to go... whether it's "permitted" or not. As long as there's no trouble, there's NO TROUBLE! BTW, I have both Arizona and Utah carry permits and can carry in 39 states at last count.

+1 I'm a firm believer in...."If you don't start any...there won't be any!"

And that's the plan....unless the plan changes. :blink000:
I did recruiting for 3 years, we had office in Portland that they protested at weekly. I know that the rules for weapons, privately owned weapons, is they have to be locked up unless at a range or your off post. The recruiting centers are still gov property, and there are signs saying you can not have weapons there. Meps have Metal detectors also. I recruited with MPs, it's a duty thing. I know from just being over seas you do not want everyone with a firearm ready to good off. Recruiting was on of the most stressfull jobs I have done, even worse than being deployed. Because you have no control over what is going on. But unless you are a MP, CID, or on guard duty/ field/ depoyment/ ranges. You do not have a firearm, they are locked away. And the Ammo isn't with the weapons...
Talked with a Young Marine who was deployed to an area that is ISIS rich. I'm omitting the location to protect him and others. There will be future deployments. He told me that if there had been an attack, he and all of his Marine buddies would have died. Their weapons and ammo were all locked down and would have taken more than a few minutes to get them and actively respond.... This is SO WRONG.......:bang head::bang head::bang head:
Maybe it's just me but obama is following hitlers footsteps in downsizing the military while building his nazi about hitlers actions in Munich in the late 1930's...that's what his muzzy buddies are doing in the wh...:damn angry:

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