Hey all,
Ran into minor problem but is a real pita. Bike had old clutch fluid. Bleeder on slave was corroded on top. It turned as hard as a lug nut when it released and bottom of bleeder was corroded as well. Got a slave rebuild kit a while back just incase, but thought I would change out the nasty fluid to see if improvement as it clunks if cold when shift into 1st. Put a replacement stainless steel bleeder, noticed the had a flattened base but didn’t think it would be a problem, but found that it weeped overnight around the threads after being fully tightened. Got an oem bleeder to try out and decided to look at the seat before installing the 2nd time. It appears the old corroded bleeder caused some pitting on the seat area which is the likely cause. Put the new oem bleeder in anyway and bled the system again and fluid is now obviously crystal clear, yeah! but weeping is down to a tiny blotch if sits overnight or if after cycling clutch. Yes much better, but not acceptable
Is this something that the seat can be addressed in any manner on the bike or am I looking at removal to fix or is it a replacement now? Glad I found this out before putting the seal kit in because I would have rebuild it to only leak at the bleeder with install/remove. Any suggestions to fix is much appreciated fellow enthusiasts 
Ran into minor problem but is a real pita. Bike had old clutch fluid. Bleeder on slave was corroded on top. It turned as hard as a lug nut when it released and bottom of bleeder was corroded as well. Got a slave rebuild kit a while back just incase, but thought I would change out the nasty fluid to see if improvement as it clunks if cold when shift into 1st. Put a replacement stainless steel bleeder, noticed the had a flattened base but didn’t think it would be a problem, but found that it weeped overnight around the threads after being fully tightened. Got an oem bleeder to try out and decided to look at the seat before installing the 2nd time. It appears the old corroded bleeder caused some pitting on the seat area which is the likely cause. Put the new oem bleeder in anyway and bled the system again and fluid is now obviously crystal clear, yeah! but weeping is down to a tiny blotch if sits overnight or if after cycling clutch. Yes much better, but not acceptable