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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2007
Reaction score
Blairsville Pennsylvania
Here in Pa. we have these things i call rolling radar,its a sign that tells u ur speed and its on a trailer, mostly in construction zones but sometimes in odd places.... so there we(wife and i) sat at the red light and a little way up the road sets the rolling radar(Rob thinks fun time) light turns green and off we go, sign hits 71mph, I'm thinkin cool,we hit the next red light and stopped,i didn't know the wife could go from zero to pissed alot faster then the max went from zero to 71mph,so there i sat like a scolded dog getting the "ur gonna lose your license bit":jail: so at the end of my ear beating, i kinda lost my fuzzy feeling, so i slid into the nice and slow puttin down the road mode, by the time we got to where we were going everything was smoothed over:th_kissass:, we r happy! , on the way back home a Lil blue Mitsubishi not red:auto: (nice car)ground effects after market pipes and all, wanted to play, u know the give it gas and let off thing, fly to the next red light ,and the full toyin with ya thing, OK, this guy is thinking...."he has his old lady on the back and i know this will just eat him up inside,ill keep toying with him and drive him crazy:bang head: or drive him to play:ummm::hmmm:"almost better then the racin him thing, is messin with him and him not being able to do anything abt it:eusa_dance:.i see a ways up ahead at the next light sat the little blue car again, so there we r ,at the light , I'm thinkin i just cant take it anymore we must play,light turned green, and off we went , Lil blue car takes off ,and so do we, Lil blue grabbing gears and so am i, clean up to 55mph:rocket bike: (I'm not stupid),then that was it,remembering the 71mph lashing i received not so long ago,abt an hour ago, this went on for a few miles or so till Lil blue slowed down went into the slow lane and backed off, as we stuck w/ the speed limit we had to go around the Lil blue car, and I'm thinkin this guy is just down right mean:angry flame devil: hes gonna take off again as soon as i go to go around him ,but didn't, we went around him and took the next left ,as he went straight, oh how much that sucked:bang head: and i was never so glad that it was over,as we crossed the bridge and hit the next red light ,my loving wife sat up and remarked "u should of went for it":surprise: :surprise:now if that isn't a slap trap i don't know what is,i said "U HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!" :surprise::confused2::blink000: you ripped me for 71mph,and that could of went well over a buck 30!! AND YOU SAY U SHOULD OF WENT FOR IT ?!?as she looked at me as calm as could be, i shook my head and turned around and proceeded home at the posted speed limit.:ummm: did i do right or should have i played a little,man this seems like very touchy just an FYI i would never expose my wife to those kinda speeds i think the fastest she went is 110 and neither of us knew it till i looked at the speedo. later Gents
Rob,Hopefully you have a sissy bar!

My wife has been through so much shit,wheelies,smokin the tire,broadsides around turns smoking the tire and wheelies while smoking the tire, that I had to build her her own bike.Years ago when we first started dating I took her out on it.Behaved most of the night till she wanted to see if it was fast.I got on it ,pulled the wheel up ,she starts freaking.I set it down then ripped up through the gears shifting at redline. later she starts mother f***ing me(I thought my head was going to hit the road!

Funny thing is that now even having her own bike she would rather jump on mine instead of hers if we are riding somewhere or with somebody.

She's trained pretty good now,when she hears me down shift she grabs on and tucks down right with me.The only bad thing is now she tries to steer from the back.
this is the first street bike shes been on, shes a very good rider now, she demanded the sissy bar after the first few launches:confused2:, going into the turns was the worst, she kept wanting to lean the wrong way,now as long as i behave she does great,as for the wheelies, I'm going to have to check with my medical insurance to see if they will cover her fingers being surgically removed from my ribs:ummm: she has even talked abt her own bike a little.:thumbs up:
Here in Pa. we have these things i call rolling radar,its a sign that tells u ur speed and its on a trailer, mostly in construction zones but sometimes in odd places.... so there we(wife and i) sat at the red light and a little way up the road sets the rolling radar(Rob thinks fun time) light turns green and off we go, sign hits 71mph, I'm thinkin cool,we hit the next red light and stopped,i didn't know the wife could go from zero to pissed alot faster then the max went from zero to 71mph,so there i sat like a scolded dog getting the "ur gonna lose your license bit":jail: so at the end of my ear beating, i kinda lost my fuzzy feeling, so i slid into the nice and slow puttin down the road mode, by the time we got to where we were going everything was smoothed over:th_kissass:, we r happy! , on the way back home a Lil blue Mitsubishi not red:auto: (nice car)ground effects after market pipes and all, wanted to play, u know the give it gas and let off thing, fly to the next red light ,and the full toyin with ya thing, OK, this guy is thinking...."he has his old lady on the back and i know this will just eat him up inside,ill keep toying with him and drive him crazy:bang head: or drive him to play:ummm::hmmm:"almost better then the racin him thing, is messin with him and him not being able to do anything abt it:eusa_dance:.i see a ways up ahead at the next light sat the little blue car again, so there we r ,at the light , I'm thinkin i just cant take it anymore we must play,light turned green, and off we went , Lil blue car takes off ,and so do we, Lil blue grabbing gears and so am i, clean up to 55mph:rocket bike: (I'm not stupid),then that was it,remembering the 71mph lashing i received not so long ago,abt an hour ago, this went on for a few miles or so till Lil blue slowed down went into the slow lane and backed off, as we stuck w/ the speed limit we had to go around the Lil blue car, and I'm thinkin this guy is just down right mean:angry flame devil: hes gonna take off again as soon as i go to go around him ,but didn't, we went around him and took the next left ,as he went straight, oh how much that sucked:bang head: and i was never so glad that it was over,as we crossed the bridge and hit the next red light ,my loving wife sat up and remarked "u should of went for it":surprise: :surprise:now if that isn't a slap trap i don't know what is,i said "U HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!" :surprise::confused2::blink000: you ripped me for 71mph,and that could of went well over a buck 30!! AND YOU SAY U SHOULD OF WENT FOR IT ?!?as she looked at me as calm as could be, i shook my head and turned around and proceeded home at the posted speed limit.:ummm: did i do right or should have i played a little,man this seems like very touchy just an FYI i would never expose my wife to those kinda speeds i think the fastest she went is 110 and neither of us knew it till i looked at the speedo. later Gents

Ya nothing worse when you finally find someone foolish enough to race you and you have your wife on the back...
reminds me of the harley guy sitting beside me at a stop light gunning his engine. I'm sitting there just shaking my head cause i had my wife on the back at that time.
Dammit i wanted to burn him, but i knew the consequences if i did.:th_hit:

Well atleast you know if it happens again, you got the green light!!!
Here in Pa. we have these things i call rolling radar,its a sign that tells u ur speed and its on a trailer, mostly in construction zones but sometimes in odd places.... so there we(wife and i) sat at the red light and a little way up the road sets the rolling radar(Rob thinks fun time) light turns green and off we go, sign hits 71mph, I'm thinkin cool,we hit the next red light and stopped,i didn't know the wife could go from zero to pissed alot faster then the max went from zero to 71mph,so there i sat like a scolded dog getting the "ur gonna lose your license bit":jail: so at the end of my ear beating, i kinda lost my fuzzy feeling, so i slid into the nice and slow puttin down the road mode, by the time we got to where we were going everything was smoothed over:th_kissass:, we r happy! , on the way back home a Lil blue Mitsubishi not red:auto: (nice car)ground effects after market pipes and all, wanted to play, u know the give it gas and let off thing, fly to the next red light ,and the full toyin with ya thing, OK, this guy is thinking...."he has his old lady on the back and i know this will just eat him up inside,ill keep toying with him and drive him crazy:bang head: or drive him to play:ummm::hmmm:"almost better then the racin him thing, is messin with him and him not being able to do anything abt it:eusa_dance:.i see a ways up ahead at the next light sat the little blue car again, so there we r ,at the light , I'm thinkin i just cant take it anymore we must play,light turned green, and off we went , Lil blue car takes off ,and so do we, Lil blue grabbing gears and so am i, clean up to 55mph:rocket bike: (I'm not stupid),then that was it,remembering the 71mph lashing i received not so long ago,abt an hour ago, this went on for a few miles or so till Lil blue slowed down went into the slow lane and backed off, as we stuck w/ the speed limit we had to go around the Lil blue car, and I'm thinkin this guy is just down right mean:angry flame devil: hes gonna take off again as soon as i go to go around him ,but didn't, we went around him and took the next left ,as he went straight, oh how much that sucked:bang head: and i was never so glad that it was over,as we crossed the bridge and hit the next red light ,my loving wife sat up and remarked "u should of went for it":surprise: :surprise:now if that isn't a slap trap i don't know what is,i said "U HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!" :surprise::confused2::blink000: you ripped me for 71mph,and that could of went well over a buck 30!! AND YOU SAY U SHOULD OF WENT FOR IT ?!?as she looked at me as calm as could be, i shook my head and turned around and proceeded home at the posted speed limit.:ummm: did i do right or should have i played a little,man this seems like very touchy just an FYI i would never expose my wife to those kinda speeds i think the fastest she went is 110 and neither of us knew it till i looked at the speedo. later Gents

Hey Rob06.

No mystery here, you just have a competitive wife.

Seems she may not have recognised the first incident as a competitive situation (or have been ready for it) but when it came to the guy in the little car, well, he was in HER face as well as yours and that just won't do.

She's cool.
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