Well-Known Member
Friday's is bring your bike to work day for my company. For the past 6 years employees bring the bikes into the office and we all ride to Hooter's for lunch. Well yesterday there were only 2 of us and one co-work in a car. When I pulled into my parking spot I felt a sudden wetness on my ride leg and the sudden smell of gas. The line running to the lower left cyclender (#1 i believe) was leaking fuel. I tried to duck tape it but the more I touched the more is leaked and I couldn't get the tape to stick. I just wanted to get a temperary fix so I could get it some where to get it fixed. After lunch I had to call for a tow and took over to shop near my office. They replace the both clear lines for the rear to cyclenders because the other side looked like it was about to crack with Motion Pro fuel lines. The good news is that it happened at Hooter's and I had to wait around there for the tow and the other good new is that if it would happen after work I would have been heading home on the turnpike in what turn out to be a major down pour for the hour ride home. The good part about that is that it wasn't the fuel off of me and the bike. Not sure why the use of the thin clear tubing. I just picked up the bike a month ago, so I am inheriting what I get and fixing it as I go along. It is a 89 so I'm going to have my mechanic go thru it and have him replace anything that looks near questionable.