Creating a frame fixing tool for pushing or pullin frames / chassis parts.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2024
Reaction score
I'm on a project for creating a thing for putting back in place my Vmax frame.

I've been fixing motorcycles for a lot of years and I loved the Vmax since 2012, the year I first saw one. So I want mine to be in pristine condition. I bought my very first one a couple weeks ago and even it was really good, it had some asthetic issues and after some time I noticed it actually had the frame bended. This is a burden in my mind and I cannot bear it. It's not an enormous damage, the commoner wouldn't notice it. Maybe the dude that sold it to me didn't notice it, but in my mind this is really a disgrace so I'm fixing it.

Paying a workshop is expensive, almost as buying a used but healthy frame. Also, around here people is used to work really bad, and after seeing that 90% of the work is done really bad even by "pRoFffEsSiONalS", I'm not putting my Vmax into anyone's hands. Also I'm used to do things like this, about creating tools and fixing myself my things, almost always with really good results.

This is not from being a magician, but from destroying a lot of things (mine) until knowing how to do things. If I'm doing this is because I know whatta hell I'm doing.

So, here's a first version of the storable frame for pulling and pushing a frame in place. It's intended for being dissasambled and stored behind any wardrobe with 10 cm behind it or similar places. I'm glad I have the store for the parts here at 50 m from my house's door. The guy said like 1 or 1,5 euros per kg. and that one meter of the 80x80 mm pieces is like 10 kg, so the price is really good, having on mind it's new steel.

It's intended for grabbing the frame from the rear fork hole (don't know the name of the part in English) and pulling or pushing the other side, either front or back of the bike, flipping it on the tool. The middle frame would be movable so you can pull or push from whatever position needed from the sides, upper or down part. This is just a scheme and the adaptors and bolts are not depicted. This image is mainly for making the parts list.

I'm putting updates if you like the idea.
