I have some questions for anyone who may own these. Well the 'protection from dumping the bike' part is good I actually want these to be able to hold the bike up on jack stands while doing front end work. I know the factory engine guards are strong enough to hold the weight of the bike, but I was wondering if these would be. I would get the factory case guards but they are on back-order until November and I have Progressive springs I want to install, plus the cycle one ones are cheaper. Any experienced opinions welcomed.
I have some questions for anyone who may own these. Well the 'protection from dumping the bike' part is good I actually want these to be able to hold the bike up on jack stands while doing front end work. I know the factory engine guards are strong enough to hold the weight of the bike, but I was wondering if these would be. I would get the factory case guards but they are on back-order until November and I have Progressive springs I want to install, plus the cycle one ones are cheaper. Any experienced opinions welcomed.