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Well-Known Member
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Jun 25, 2008
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columbia county new york
This has been puzzling me ever since I heard this story on the news last week....An 8 year old Connecticut boy died as a result of a bb gun head wound received at a show (I don't know if it was a gun show or what kind of show).

As a result of this tragic event the Connecticut legislature passed a law making it illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to fire a fully automatic weapon....a machine gun!!

In no way am I minimizing the tragedy and sadness visited upon that little boy and his family....but I just can't figure how the CT legislative body tied that event to the legallity or illegallity of persons under 16 firing machine guns.

Christ, if nothing else I would expect it would ALREADY be against the law for ANYONE other than an FFL or some similar permit holder to fire a machine gun!

OMFG! Someone gave a full auto uzi to an 8 year old to shoot? I am glad to see that some indictments came out of that deal.
I am in no way making light of the situation.......a tragic accident.....

But I must agree with the politician who said life is a risk.....

There was a whole huge rant here but I deleted it.......

Where does it end????
How about the adults that were responsible for the kid? These are the ones that should be beaten with a common sense stick till they are beat ass red then pick em up and shove it up there ass for poor supervision of a minor at an event like this.
Thats the problem with today no one wants to take responsibilty so we just treat everyone like idiots. Lazy politcians.

Thanks Hatter...that clears it up, they totally screwed up the news report, didn't even have the right state where it happened!

There certainly was some irresponsible behavior responsible for this tragedy!! I'm really surprised there are actually shows like that where the run of the mill joe can pick up a full auto and just blast away!! A little training is required to be able to handle one of those things....and not tv fantasy training either!!
How about the adults that were responsible for the kid? These are the ones that should be beaten with a common sense stick till they are beat ass red then pick em up and shove it up there ass for poor supervision of a minor at an event like this.
Thats the problem with today no one wants to take responsibilty so we just treat everyone like idiots. Lazy politcians.

here here:cheers:
I have a friend Randy whose father-in-law had a Full Auto Mac-10. We were out shooting over at his house and the Mac 10 was brought out.

Randy, 5 foot 2, 140 lbs, was up first. It was a 32 rd mag, he started shooting low at the target, to "walk' the round up to the target.

When it was over (empty) , he was laying on his back, the MAC pointed backward toward us and we were taking cover.

Ever since then, I have seen no use in having a FULL auto weapon.

The guy bringing the gun to the show, the cop, AND the dad, even though he was not indicted, are all DUMB MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!!! They should all be in a world of shit for what happened to this boy. How F'ING irresponsible is it to give a 8 year old child a F'ING MACHINE GUN!!!! And then stand by and watch him PLAY with it. Thats what 8 year olds do, they play with shit! I hope the officer is fired, he should not be allowed to be responsible for the safety of others. I hope the dad does not have any more kids. If he does, I feel bad for those children and I hope he knows better than to give those ones MACHINE GUNS! FUCKING ASSHOLE! And I hope the assholes who are promoting the sales of machine guns and bringing them to shows get gunned down by a machine gun by some effing criminal who is robbing their house of all the money they made by selling these "sporting guns"....

I know there are many people who are out there that own guns and are responsible with them and it is their "thing". You may just enjoy them, kinda like motorcycles. I'm not against guns. I'm am against the promotion of machine guns to 8 year olds though. FUCKERS, ALL OF EM.

I have 2 kids. They are dangerous with sticks and stones or wiffle ball bats. I won't take my eyes off my son when he has a golf club (did ya ever watch america's funniest video's?). I cant imagine handing over a gun, let alone a gun that is fully auto and can be used as an assault weapon.

Again I say WTF?!!

Sorry, My rant over now:bang head:
Lankee.....I fully agree....

Mabd.......I am going to keep my mouth(fingers??) shut.....

Other than to say that if I whip you with a cane or stab you with my BBQ fork it becomes an ASSAULT WEAPON.....Man I hate that term....
Other than to say that if I whip you with a cane or stab you with my BBQ fork it becomes an ASSAULT WEAPON.....Man I hate that term....

WHO CARE'S WTF I CALL IT. That's not my point. I'm not a gun person so I don't really know what to call a damn uzi. Here is what I'm getting at.

1. Someone brought these guns to the gun show and allowed their guns to get in the hands of this kid
2. Some "officer" helps this kid shoot the gun
3. Some "dad" let all this happen.


If you wanna get pissed at me about that, I don't know what else to say.:confused2:

Sorry if your a gun enthusiast and you think I'm shittin' on people who own guns. I was trying to get across the point above. I don't care what kind of gun you own if your RESPONSIBLE with it. And I'm not saying anyone on this site is not. I just don't think what happened here was responsible in any way, shape, or form.

Some 8 year old kid died because of these three people that were in a position that demands responsibility and they all three failed.

Oh and by the way, I won't give you any flaming about that knucklehead v-twin your lookin for.:biglaugh:
Here is a great analogy of this story.

This summer I took my 8 year old kid the Star-B-Q day at the local bike shop.

They dealer had an 09 max there for people to test ride and had some pro racers on site too.

Well, I let my 8 year old kid get on the 09 max and ride. The pro racer guy was right there telling him how to do it and the dealership owner was right there letting it happen.

Sad to say but when when he gunned it in first and it flipped over on him my 8 year old kid died.

Who woulda thought? Who would YOU think are in the wrong. I'd say all three.

I don't have anything against the '09 max. I just don't think anyone should be encouraging an 8 year old to ride one.
WHO CARE'S WTF I CALL IT. That's not my point. I'm not a gun person so I don't really know what to call a damn uzi. Here is what I'm getting at.

1. Someone brought these guns to the gun show and allowed their guns to get in the hands of this kid
2. Some "officer" helps this kid shoot the gun
3. Some "dad" let all this happen.


If you wanna get pissed at me about that, I don't know what else to say.:confused2:

Sorry if your a gun enthusiast and you think I'm shittin' on people who own guns. I was trying to get across the point above. I don't care what kind of gun you own if your RESPONSIBLE with it. And I'm not saying anyone on this site is not. I just don't think what happened here was responsible in any way, shape, or form.

Some 8 year old kid died because of these three people that were in a position that demands responsibility and they all three failed.

Oh and by the way, I won't give you any flaming about that knucklehead v-twin your lookin for.:biglaugh:

I fully agree that the blame rests with three adults who, for whatever reason, failed this child miserably.....and in reality any other adult that witnessed this should have said something(maybe they did??)......

I hate the "assault weapon" term because it is usually used by folks trying to further a gun banning agenda because it evokes a reaction of fear in people who do not know better.....

As long as we agree that it was not the firearm's fault we have no issue......

Flame me all you want......I have turnout gear:biglaugh:
Here is a great analogy of this story.

This summer I took my 8 year old kid the Star-B-Q day at the local bike shop.

They dealer had an 09 max there for people to test ride and had some pro racers on site too.

Well, I let my 8 year old kid get on the 09 max and ride. The pro racer guy was right there telling him how to do it and the dealership owner was right there letting it happen.

Sad to say but when when he gunned it in first and it flipped over on him my 8 year old kid died.

Who woulda thought? Who would YOU think are in the wrong. I'd say all three.

I don't have anything against the '09 max. I just don't think anyone should be encouraging an 8 year old to ride one.

Very good analogy.......well thought out and well put:punk:
i believe it was a gun show run by a police officer off duty... and the officer passed him the gun
My 10 year old nephew cost me 450 bucks this past Friday with one thrown rock (through my neighbors Buick back-glass). Handing him a loaded gun to play with would be beyond insanity. When my kids were young I took them both out into the woods & taught them how to shoot - this way they SEE the devastating results of bullets in soda cans, mellons, etc. I think all kids should be taught to consider EVERY gun they see loaded & dangerous, but schools won't even TALK about guns. Too many kids only see guns on tv or in the movies so they think they're no big deal. Adults need to be smarter.
My 10 year old nephew cost me 450 bucks this past Friday with one thrown rock (through my neighbors Buick back-glass). Handing him a loaded gun to play with would be beyond insanity. When my kids were young I took them both out into the woods & taught them how to shoot - this way they SEE the devastating results of bullets in soda cans, mellons, etc. I think all kids should be taught to consider EVERY gun they see loaded & dangerous, but schools won't even TALK about guns. Too many kids only see guns on tv or in the movies so they think they're no big deal. Adults need to be smarter.

Good point here...don't do the 'forbidden fruits' thing with guns, kids will die because of it! It's a tough world out there, kids need to be properly prepared to deal with it, they HAVE to be presented with both sides of the equation!
Good point here...don't do the 'forbidden fruits' thing with guns, kids will die because of it! It's a tough world out there, kids need to be properly prepared to deal with it, they HAVE to be presented with both sides of the equation!

i agree completely. its turning into the same thing with sex, abstinence, etc... its absolute bullshit. teach people how to make smart decisions... that will go a long way... where does the thought of this forbidden fruit come from!?
Rich, Danny, Gamorg......

EXACTLY RIGHT!!!!!:clapping:

Now how do we convince everyone else??:bang head: