Don't mess with, Florida

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Aug 5, 2006
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Bedford, TX
Got this from another board:

Florida Association of Court Clerks/Comptrollers

REF: HB 137 (ch. 2008-117, Laws of Florida) DATE: August 20, 2008 NO: 08-058

FILE NO. F02-008-080820-01 TELEPHONE: (850) 921-0808 CONTACT: B. Allman

Effective October 1, 2008, HB 137 revises the traffic laws to create a few more penalties. This short bill was particularly focused on unsafe motorcycle activities, but it does include a provision for excessive speed. The new law also provides penalties for the first, second, third or subsequent violations. The Distribution Chart found on the FACC website will be updated to reflect the amounts for the first and second offenses in the Traffic section. The third and subsequent offense is classified as a third degree felony with a $5,000 fine and will appear in the Criminal Traffic section of the chart.

New Violations:
316.2085(2) Motorcycle or moped, wheels losing contact with ground
This is classified as a moving violation.
First Offense: the violator must pay $1,000 plus any other costs assessed for a moving violation. Second Offense: the violator must pay a fine of $2,500, plus any other applicable costs assessed for a moving violation. The person?s driver license must be revoked for a period of one year.
Third Offense: the violator will be charged with a third degree felony, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082, 775.083, and 775.084, a mandatory fine of $5,000, and the driver license must be revoked for a period of ten years.

316.2085(3) Motorcycle or moped license tag improperly affixed
This is classified as a moving violation.
First Offense: the violator must pay $1,000 plus any other costs assessed for a moving violation. Second Offense: the violator must pay a fine of $2,500, plus any other applicable costs assessed for a moving violation. The person?s driver license must be revoked for a period of one year.
Third Offense: the violator will be charged with a third degree felony, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082, 775.083, and 775.084, a mandatory fine of $5,000, and the driver license must be revoked for a period of ten years.

316.1926 (2) A person who exceeds the speed limit in excess of 50 mph or more in violation of ss.
316.183(2) (posted speeds), 316.187(state speed zones), or 316.189 (municipal and county speeds)
This is classified as a moving violation.
First Offense: the violator must pay a fine of $1,000 plus court costs.
Second Offense: the violator must pay a fine of $2,500 plus court costs and the driver license must be revoked for a period of one year.
Third Offense: the violator will be charged with a third degree felony, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082, 775.083, and 775.084, a mandatory fine of $5,000, and the driver license must be revoked for a period of ten years.
WOW!!! I am afraid that may become a trend because of the squids. If I lived in Florida, I would hope I didn't pop an accidental wheelie in front of a cop...
There are similar laws being drafted up here just because of the squids.

There has been an increace of the tank-standing, bike skiing, nosey poppin' kids as of lately, not to mention the 140mph blasts in sections of the town.

I remember when I was young, we alteast went out of town to race. It seems, up here anyway, It no longer matters how congested the traffic is or what time of day. Already lost several squids this year. Darwin awards here they come.
I think this is ******* retarded! Those arsholes pulling wheelies at 100mph on any public road should simply be jailed and banned for life - if you wanna pull stunts like this just bloody go do it on the track or other private property! :th_biggun:

But to penalize any and all of us riders in the event of an accidental wheelie coming off a traffic light for example, is nothing short of totally stupid.:bang head:

Is there anything anyone can do to stop such ******** law coming into effect??

Isn't this country supposed to be a democracy? Where people actually have some freedoms? Oh **** I forgot that was all lost when they managed to make everyone believe 911 was the work of some foreign clowns :jerk it::jerk it::jerk it:

Maybe florida isn't where I wanna stay..
Sometimes it's good to live in a rural area. Last night we were working on my bike at my buddies garage. One of our buddies who is a officer stopped by to see what we were doing while on patrol. His patol car is parked on the side of the road when one of our wheelie loving guys rides by on his R6 riding a nice long wheelie. We all gave him the thumbs up/ waved as he went by, so did the officer! :thumbs up:
lol accidental wheelie wtf is that. I have had the wheel come up with out trying but that was a result to the throttle being twisted all the way to the right.

Isn't this country supposed to be a democracy? Where people actually have some freedoms? Oh **** I forgot that was all lost when they managed to make everyone believe 911 was the work of some foreign clowns :jerk it::jerk it::jerk it:

Maybe florida isn't where I wanna stay..[/quote]

If you're dumb enough to buy into that "It wasn't Islamo-facists that brought down the towers, it was 'The Gum'mint" ****... Then you probably don't wanna hang around here...

We've have a similar law here in Ontario for about a year, Bill 203. You loose your license and the vehicle you are in/on, instantly, for a week (before you even go to trial!!) for 50kph over, "stunt" riding, standing on your pegs, wheelie, lane weaving or for any other reason the cop wants! Yes the cop decides at the side of the road if you lose your **** for a week. And the vehicle is towed to a towing compound and held there for a week! $$$$. Usually cost almost a $1000 just to get your vehicle back after a week. Why bother stopping?
Sometimes it's good to live in a rural area. Last night we were working on my bike at my buddies garage. One of our buddies who is a officer stopped by to see what we were doing while on patrol. His patol car is parked on the side of the road when one of our wheelie loving guys rides by on his R6 riding a nice long wheelie. We all gave him the thumbs up/ waved as he went by, so did the officer! :thumbs up:

Being an ex cop, and a rider since I was 4.... been there done that on both sides.

I've aplauded a good stunt on a back road. it does take some riding skill to pull off a good stunt... hell there was a video I posted of me bringing the front end of the max up outside of a trooper's house by where I live, with his car parked outside (that was for you Tim :punk:). He called me later BTW and was all WTF, I knew it was you.

in my opinion, the problem lies with the stunting on the busy streets. I don't know the numbers, but I imagine the wrecks come from the cage drivers and pedestrians who are caught off guard, not to mention the newbie who's parents baught him/her a new GSX/R1 650 cause "its only a 650" and they (the rider) think they are instantly eddie lawson or freddie spencer.

My real problem lies with the bike skiier's, the tank standers, and the uber speeders though town. The rest of the parking lot crew, keep practicing, you have to start somewhere and at least they have the sence to play in an open and controlled area.
I can understand the wheelie and speed tickets, almost($1000!! a little high). But the 1K for an improperly "mounted" license plate!!!!, if you have one on the bike are you really doing something that wrong, come on!
Another reason is they usually remove the rear fender for looks and add what is called an "undertail". This often moves the license far up under the seat where it is hard to see. The law also gives the officers something they can gig you on if they don't get a chance to clock you or don't actually see you do a wheelie. Kind of a consolation prize for them....
I think I will stay here in TN.

And they wonder why motorcycles run when the police try to pull them over.

This is more of an excuse to go WOT when the blue lights are on behind you.

A felony after the third time:th_signs132:

But we have illegal immagrants here being caught more than 3 times but hey isnt this country great? Just wait till we get a Muslim as a the new President.

F T P !!
i think i will stay here in tn.

And they wonder why motorcycles run when the police try to pull them over.

This is more of an excuse to go wot when the blue lights are on behind you.

A felony after the third time:th_signs132:

But we have illegal immagrants here being caught more than 3 times but hey isnt this country great? Just wait till we get a muslim as a the new president.

F t p !!
i'm with ya yankee , if you stop your screwed ! They have already made the dissision for us ! " RUN "

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