Drilling in Alaska

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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2007
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This is not about vmaxes but about gas which effects us all.

How many here think we need to start drilling in Alaska and Canada.

I do! plus tap into our oil reserve to compensate.
Alaska? Yes!, more offshore drilling? Yes!

Allow more refineries to be built? Yes, stop making it difficult to impossible to obtain the permits for new refineries.

Strategic reserve? No! it wouldn't be enough to last that long or make that much difference compared to our overall consumption.

I think it's crazy to complain about our reliance on foriegn oil imports and at the same time not allow the development of the reserves we still have in the ground.
sure as long as they can do it in a safe manner. Thats only a temporary fix to our problem though, we need to invest big money into alternative fuel technologies and catch up with the rest of the world. If they dont turn a 180, were fucked
The oil lobbyists are the ones stopping or hindering finding alternative fuels,I say we the American people start lobbying Congress about the corruption that goes on there!!!!
We would have been drilling for our own oil if it wasnt for all the damn California Green Freaks!
We have enough oil here in the USA for the next 80 years. Its all the people worried about the global warming that are holding us back.
sure as long as they can do it in a safe manner. Thats only a temporary fix to our problem though, we need to invest big money into alternative fuel technologies and catch up with the rest of the world. If they dont turn a 180, were fucked

The "rest of the world" relies more heavily on fossil fuel than we do. The US uses more sources of alternative energy than any nation on earth.

And ethanol is going to be a disaster.....environmental and economic..
Working in the OTR trucking industry - I have researched this issue alot - the fuel prices is not a supply and demand issue as the general public is made to think it is - bullshit - this is a greed issue - now I'm not going to go into stats, etc... but it's safe to say that OPEC and our elected governments are rapping us and will do so until we can't take it anymore.

Canadian fuel prices have rising from 70 cents/liter in 2003 to $1.30/liter today for regular gas and diesel (less refined fuel) is now near a $1.40/liter - diesel should be less $$$ as there is less cost to produce.

The Canadian government collects over 60% of the set fuel price as tax and to date have been unwilling to reduce the tax % and also collect tax money on the fuel surcharges that trucking companies are charging their customers (fuel surcharges currently 18 to 49% of freight charge) - why is that - greed and the fact that they will through fuel pricing, force Canadian motorists to drive dinky cars to satisfy the enviromentalists that help keep them in power.

If there was really a refined fuel shortage to overall demand, they would build more refineries.

One thing that I DO think would help is if oil, and all food type products, were taken off the commodities market. Speculation in oil futures, as well as beef, wheat, corn, etc drives the price all over the place and skews the whole supply and demand thing since the "demand" lies in the commodities market, independent and outside of the top to bottom supply chain, before it ever hits the end consumer.

The idea DOES smell a little bit since it has a tinge of socialism; but in the case of "Neccesities" I don't think it's going over board. It could be compared to the price gouging laws, which really only exist for neccesities during a state of emergency, at least in Texas.
I could write on this topic for hours, but I don't think that drilling in Alaska (or anywhere else in the states) is going to lower our gas prices. It is somewhat a greed thing, and I hate to say it, but if the population is willing to buy gas at $4/gallon.... and the amount of gas is limited.... why would drilling in the states lower the costs? Do you think that US oil companies would cut us a brake and sell fuels to us lower than the going rate.

Rusty, I'm not sure if I would side on your comment about "the rest of the world relies more heavily on fossle fuels than we do". There are quite a few different ways to look at that... The US uses quite a bit of energy per person, and I agree with Clintard, we need to find alternative sources. Drilling would only be a band-aid fix.

Who knows what China and India are going to do to the market... their usage of fuels is going through the roof with no signs of slowing down.

I think trains are going to be the wave of the future... They are slower but are a much more economical way to transport goods/materials. If I had lots of money to invest, I would be putting it into a rail company..... or leaf blower companies...




I read an article last week on Drudgreport.com. We consume the most fossil fuels followed by China.
All good comments.

When I was saying the rest of the world used more fossil fuels we do it was not referring to total consumption or per capita consumption but in reference to Clintards statement that we need to catch up with the rest of the world in using alternative energy forms.

I think that as a percentage of total consumption the US has been more ambitious than other countries in developing alternative enrgy forms.

I could be wrong.

As far as total or per capita use, many say that the US is a greedy consumer of enegry but consider our percentage of production of the worlds goods and services; although I do realize that it's going down in relation to China, India, and Korea since thier out put of goods is growing so rapidly.
I think that the plan is to use up the oil from the rest of the world before going hard after our oil here.
The problem with nuclear power is that it's expensive. Plus, we'd have terrorists start a new grand theft auto ring and use 'em to make bombs.

Nuclear power is clean burning but what about when the fuel rods are spent? We currently bury them somewhere and they emit radiator for thousands of years.

I think we need transporters like in Star Trek.

Spaceballs movie comes to mind. When the president had is ass beamed back wards. lol
I think the above post hits the nail on the head. The big oil execs are saving the US reserves until the rest of the world begins running short. Imagine what a barrel of US crude will be worth then.
I agree 100% man. Its cheaper now to ship by rail than by truck, and the truckers are HURTING BAD.

Im currently spraying a railyard in chicago for union pacific. This place is so busy they can barely handle it. I also live about 100 yards from Union Pacific mainline and they went from running trains by my house once an hour to once every 15 minutes. Business for the railroads right now is better than it has ever been since they have existed.

What i meant by catching up with the rest of the world was catching up with there use of alternative energy. We are WAY behind many many countries right now. If you think we can keep running off of fossil fuel and be sustainable your ignorant.

if anyone thinks that hillary or mccains gas tax scam is going to help in any way shape or form your naive. All that is going to do is cut hundreds of thousand of road construction jobs and our already failing road system is going to self destruct. The jobs will become available again but they wont be the same good paying jobs they were before. The roads will be sold to corporations and the maintanence work will be contracted out to companys like the one i work for. We just got a couple very large contracts where we are responsible for all maintanence of a certain road system for a 300 and 500 mile stretch of interstate.

The stretches of road are owned by foreign companies. Our company is going to make a KILLING by hiring low paid and untrained workers such as myself to go out and risk there lifes to do the once well paying jobs for SHIT money with no benefits.

Where the FUCK did unions go? that is something i dont understand.

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