Driver beaten by bikers

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Good, I'd beat that person too if I were there. I ride with family and close friends, if some clown jeopardized any one of their lives by being an idiot, I dont think that there would be any way to hold back my rage. Im typically a level headed person, but when someone endangers my family or my babies (cars/motorcycles), I can see myself losing it. Havent yet, but been real close. :damn angry:

About 10 years ago, I was cruising back to Tampa from St. Pete late night on my R1 with a whole gang of people on crotch rockets that I had just met down in Ybor city. We were going the speed limit, maybe a touch under, taking up both lanes in our direction. I luckily saw in my rearview some A-hole driver in a SUV start weaving inbetween us, forcing his way through the pack. I just about ate the curb getting out of this maniac's way. Guy made it through us and floored it. Lead guys didnt like that this clown just ran everyone out of his way and recklessly endangered everyone's lives for no good reason.... did a double downshift and off they went, the rest of us followed. Guy in the SUV got caught at a light, the 2 lead guys went flying up beside him, threw their kickstands down, got off their bikes, threw an elbow through the drivers window and started trying to wrestle the guy out of the SUV. The guy in the SUV floored it right through that red light and was gone. Guess he probably got the message. That guy is lucky he got away, because he just royally pissed off over a dozen bikers by threatening their lives and would have been beaten really bad by the time we all got our frustrations out and adrenaline under control.. CRAZY stuff!! :punk:

Right after that is the first time I hit redline in 6th gear going over the Courtney Campbell Causeway, risking my own life.... pretty surreal watching the world go flying by at around 190MPH and looking next to you and seeing someone else right next to you, relatively motionless. Ahh, the memories of being young and invincible....not saying that I still wouldnt do it......just a lot more hesitant and aware of the repercussions nowadays :biglaugh:
They should have grabbed his phone and continue shooting while beating his arse then upload it to YouTube! \m/
"aware of the repercussions nowadays

Make that 'Reaper-cussions'


and just for fun:
Yep, putting me in danger is one thing. Nearly killing those I love is entirely different.