Europe for Spring Break???

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2011
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West Reading, Pa
I've seen some postings from people here who live in Europe. I'm trying to think of some Spring Break vacation ideas aside from your typical wild Cancun party. I thought Ireland, Germany, Spain, or Greece would be a blast. If any of you have some suggestions I would sure like to hear them. Where's a good place for a 21 year old male to have a good time. Meet some single girls and drink a bit?
I'm interested to hear the answer to this as well, me being in the same boat so to speak.
i'd say anywhere along the mediterranean. i'm bias to the french riviera myself.

if you've never been across the pond, then you need to keep in mind, that it is absolutely not true that europeans hate americans. in the 15 years that i've been visiting the E.U., i have yet to be met with any amount of hostility just cause i'm american. matter of fact a cantina owner once sat down with me at his bar and we emptied a bottle of Grappa once he realized i was american.

take note, just as americans insist tourists respect the american culture when the average tourist has no clue what american culture is, so do the europeans. don't go to europe expecting the same experience you encountered when you visited cancun. cancun is still the states, which is built to cater and pamper the american tourist. in europe, for example, forget about 24-hour stores and pharmacies (they operate under "banking hours") and fast food on every street corner. and that "service" you recieve at american restaurants, forget it, it doesn't exist over in europe, so don't be insulted if your server doesn't kiss your ass. remember europeans are just as proud of their country as we are of ours--it's just their pride is centered around being part of a culture that has been around for many many centuries, not just two. just take some of that good 'ol american humble pie with you and you will have the time of your life. i always do and always do. and just like we insist on english being spoken within our borders and unforgivingly trash the foreigner when (s)he doesn't speaketh the english, keep in mind that you are now the foreigner over there. try to speak the native language even if you butcher it--they ain't gonna hassle you if you do mangle it up. they will be tickled that you even try. shit man! it's like an 8-10 hour flight, break out the translation book and learn how to order a beer or ask where the WC is. true--more than half of the europeans speak english, but you'll be amazed how many beers get bought for you when you try ordering one in their tongue.

I've been to Ireland 3 times and have traveled abroad quite a bit... Everything you said is absolutely right. Native language? Definitely. Just trying to learn a person's culture with REAL respect goes so far. That's the main reason I want to go to Europe. Sure, partying in Cancun would be fun, but there would be no reward... I can party a bit in another country, and actually gain an understanding of the world at the same time. Iceland would be tough to use their language though, haha. Looks like a blast, but I don't even know their alphabet!!! Keep the suggestions coming!

- Chris
European prices have risen considerably in the last couple of years. I don't know how the dollar has fared against the Euro?

Still (relatively) cheap is Prague. Not only does it have good night life but the city itself is amazing. Parts of it are like you are in a 17th century time warp. Culture and history by day and by night??? It's also worth wile making the effort to get out of the city to see some of the local sights.

Another alternative where language is not an issue is Amsterdam - no-one in the world but the locals speak Dutch language! The city isn't as beautiful as Prague but it does have a good and varied night life which should satisfy any taste (he said knowingly, nudge, nudge.)

Want to have your mind blown away by history? Rome. The only problem is that you spend all day on your feet getting visual overloads so you are pretty knacked by the evening. Too tired to party.

I should not, of course, forget the UK. In the spring we will be starting to rev up for the Olympics so you will see a different side of London.
If you want to party then it HAS to be Newcastle upon Tyne. I don't think there is anywhere on the planet that is as accomplished at having a good time.

Then there is Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Dublin..........

If you making the effort to travel all that distance then I hope that it isn't just shagging and booze that draws you here.
Take time to see things that you don't have in the states - I'm sure some of the European Maxxers would be happy to take you off the beaten track or give info on what to see one you have decided on a destination.
oooh amsterdam, how could i've forgotten that place. you name it, they've got it. hehehehe

you could also do what most kids did (maybe they still do) when i was your age....take the rail and visit as many cities as you can squeeze in, staying in youth hostels. personally, this is not to my liking cuz for me you can't really appreciate a city in 1 day and/or 1 night. for me the longer you can stay in one village/town the better and 5 days isn't enough.

but this is spring break, right? what are you looking for? the traditional hedonistic exhaust, filled with bikini-laden beaches and beer-infused parties? or something more subdued with cocktail-misted clubbing after midnight and culture-enrinchment in the afternoon?
Amsterdam, where the vending machines are stocked w/beer!

And the coffee houses have other diversions.
Awesome suggestions all around. Not looking to just drink and shag, though both are admittedly welcome on spring break. Amsterdam would be awesome but being in the military I'm gonna try to stay away from the drug scene as much as possible. Last thing I need is to take something unknowingly and have my future tossed right out the window.

So far Reykjavik, Dublin, Newcastle, Berlin, Ibiza, and Prague are on my list as top spots
Awesome suggestions all around. Not looking to just drink and shag, though both are admittedly welcome on spring break. Amsterdam would be awesome but being in the military I'm gonna try to stay away from the drug scene as much as possible. Last thing I need is to take something unknowingly and have my future tossed right out the window.

So far Reykjavik, Dublin, Newcastle, Berlin, Ibiza, and Prague are on my list as top spots

Don't do anything stupid :bang head: We are happy for your new venture that you were recently accepted into. So don't mess it all up, stay clear of the shady people and those areas that have a bad rap. :punk:
I live in Denmark. My prefered holiday places (on bike/rented bike) is in the south of France or Spain, due the hot wheather there (and the cold wheather in Denmark). I have, in my early years, often camped in a place called "Camping Moto" in a town in France called Crest....its a place only for bikers.. .
My favorite places by plane are France, Spain, Greece and Tyrkey (Alanya or Antalya)
Awesome suggestions all around. Not looking to just drink and shag, though both are admittedly welcome on spring break. Amsterdam would be awesome but being in the military I'm gonna try to stay away from the drug scene as much as possible. Last thing I need is to take something unknowingly and have my future tossed right out the window.

So far Reykjavik, Dublin, Newcastle, Berlin, Ibiza, and Prague are on my list as top spots

Dude add Hungary, Slovakia (where Hostel was filmed, he he) and southern Spain. Some greek islands are cool as well. If you want to party hard Ibiza and southern Spain are the places to go to... Mallorca as well...
Dude add Hungary, Slovakia (where Hostel was filmed, he he) and southern Spain. Some greek islands are cool as well. If you want to party hard Ibiza and southern Spain are the places to go to... Mallorca as well...

It's been a dream of mine to go to Mallorca... I'm an avid rock climber, and they have some world class sea cliffs there that you can solo, so if you fall you just fall in the water, lol. I'm heavily leaning toward Iceland if all my friends decide to go to Cancun. I'll go by myself, haha. Also on my mind is the whole "Fly to France, rent a car or take a train through Europe hitting as many countries as possible in 10 days..." trip seems like fun. We'd try our best to get on the train a bit toasty and sleep it off on the ride, so we'd have plenty of time to actually see the various cities and amazing cultures in daylight :punk:

If anyone wants to come along, our Spring Break is from 3 March - 11 March, with +/- a few days if necessary.
It's been a dream of mine to go to Mallorca... I'm an avid rock climber, and they have some world class sea cliffs there that you can solo, so if you fall you just fall in the water, lol. I'm heavily leaning toward Iceland if all my friends decide to go to Cancun. I'll go by myself, haha. Also on my mind is the whole "Fly to France, rent a car or take a train through Europe hitting as many countries as possible in 10 days..." trip seems like fun. We'd try our best to get on the train a bit toasty and sleep it off on the ride, so we'd have plenty of time to actually see the various cities and amazing cultures in daylight :punk:

If anyone wants to come along, our Spring Break is from 3 March - 11 March, with +/- a few days if necessary.

My wife did something similar this year. She and her sister went to visit their brother who is in the USAF and was stationed in Lakenheath at the time. They flew to england, train to Paris, train back to england, ferry to Dublin, then back to england. They had a great time in all the cities they visited. London, cambridge, Paris, Dublin, etc.... it takes a lot of time to travel like that, and money. She said it was nice to see all those places but felt rushed and didn't get to see nearly all that she wanted to. They always had to worry about when to be in the right place to catch the ride for the next city.
i went to greece in august of '08. it was awesome athens is cool for the historic stuff & it is a lot of fun but the islands are a absolute blast to party.
I'm leading a student tour of Madrid, Paris and Rome this coming spring break. I've been to Europe fifteen or twenty times, and, though this time, I will have kids to look after, I will toss in my two cents.

London and Edinburgh rock for just about everything, and Dublin's not far behind.

The women are beautiful in Paris, but even more so in Slovakia.

Amsterdam blows. If you want to get fucked up, or fucked for pay, fine, but otherwise, there are far better places in the Netherlands.

Somebody mentioned Prague. Good choice, but don't forget her bigger sister, Budapest, where people are friendly and history is vibrant. My family is from Hungary, so I am biased, but it really is a gorgeous place. If you go, you have to go to the big baths, and I can suggest a few very cool bars to check out.

Italy and Spain are beautiful, though at that time of year, they won't be exactly "beachy." You may want to consider the Greek Islands, too. Santorini has a particular reputation for sex. At any rate, stay away from Athens for a while yet.

The suggestion of Iceland was a good one. Icelandic women are not only hot, but sexually liberated and oftimes even sexually assertive.
good point on athens. dont want to be there now. are the islands still partying? santorini is gorgeous!


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I'm leading a student tour of Madrid, Paris and Rome this coming spring break. I've been to Europe fifteen or twenty times, and, though this time, I will have kids to look after, I will toss in my two cents.

London and Edinburgh rock for just about everything, and Dublin's not far behind.

The women are beautiful in Paris, but even more so in Slovakia.

Amsterdam blows. If you want to get fucked up, or fucked for pay, fine, but otherwise, there are far better places in the Netherlands.

Somebody mentioned Prague. Good choice, but don't forget her bigger sister, Budapest, where people are friendly and history is vibrant. My family is from Hungary, so I am biased, but it really is a gorgeous place. If you go, you have to go to the big baths, and I can suggest a few very cool bars to check out.

Italy and Spain are beautiful, though at that time of year, they won't be exactly "beachy." You may want to consider the Greek Islands, too. Santorini has a particular reputation for sex. At any rate, stay away from Athens for a while yet.

The suggestion of Iceland was a good one. Icelandic women are not only hot, but sexually liberated and oftimes even sexually assertive.

I love this forum...

So many choices!!! How can one decide? Looks like I'll have to buckle down and make a decision and just go about taking vacations to ALL of these places throughout my life. I did forget to mention that I'm on a slight budget, but nothing I would see as a problem for 7 days... The cheaper the better, but I'm willing to spend 2000 for an unforgettable trip. Plane tickets are anywhere from 550 - 900 depending on where you're going. I figure the leftover money should be enough to find a room and have a rip roaring good time