everybody needs to watch this !

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Quite fun to watch Brian, but obviously just total propaganda.

They're saying it's a call to action, but they're also saying it's already too late to do anything about according to historical data - what gives? All BS if you ask me..

Finally, what is America, but a hotch-potch of european cultures mixed together? What is europe, but a mix of all the people who lived there, invaded, immigrated, etc etc over so many centuries?

Here's my view for whoever may care for it: we're ALL earthlings.

We all came from some where.

I was born in Canada - as were my parents, and their parents - BUT THEIR grandparents were not...
volcano vaporizer
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If you thought that was interesting watch some stuff from ZEITGEIST on youtube. Lot of conspiracy stuhh like how the US gov't knocked the twin towers over.
So what is the call to action for? All the Christians to start making more babies?
i wonder if they got their numbers from people who put islam for their religion as a joke....?
Okay, call to action.....uhh, what are we supposed to do? I've had my 2 kids, NOT going to have any more. The worst thing anyone could do is try to out reproduce the other. That would be great for overpopulation. How 'bout we all try to live together and "just get along."
i wish we could , all just get along also but , when people come here & don't work & or pay taxes & just lay around , drink & fuck all day and have more children to get more money , & can't even speak English , while ( i , we , you , us ) work our asses off to pay for their housing , food , & booze , its hard for me to " just get along with them " ! me & my wife both work full time , i wrote out 15 checks 2 weeks ago to pay all of my bills ! You know what i had left to my name in the bank ? I'll tell you , $6.86 thats not including a water bottle that me & my American , social security number having , 6 year old son have , that we put pocket change in ! AS I'M WRITING THIS I'M WRITING OUT 2 MORE CHECKS , ONE FOR MY QUARTERLY PROPERTY TAXES $1,563.48 & ANOTHER $ 800.00 FOR MY BY WEEKLY MORTGAGE PAYMENT & $250.00 FOR MY SONS AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM THAT HE HAS TO ATTEND BECAUSE WE BOTH HAVE TO WORK , ALL OF WHICH THESE MOTHERFUCKERS KNOW NOTHING ABOUT PAYING ! BUT AFTER WORK , THEN WE CAN GO PICK HIM UP A LITTLE AFTER 5:00 P.M. ! BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE , I NOW HAVE $197.23 IN THE BANK !
i wish we could , all just get along also but , when people come here & don't work & or pay taxes & just lay around , drink & fuck all day and have more children to get more money , & can't even speak English , while ( i , we , you , us ) work our asses off to pay for their housing , food , & booze , its hard for me to " just get along with them " ! me & my wife both work full time , i wrote out 15 checks 2 weeks ago to pay all of my bills ! You know what i had left to my name in the bank ? I'll tell you , $6.86 thats not including a water bottle that me & my American , social security number having , 6 year old son have , that we put pocket change in ! AS I'M WRITING THIS I'M WRITING OUT 2 MORE CHECKS , ONE FOR MY QUARTERLY PROPERTY TAXES $1,563.48 & ANOTHER $ 800.00 FOR MY BY WEEKLY MORTGAGE PAYMENT & $250.00 FOR MY SONS AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM THAT HE HAS TO ATTEND BECAUSE WE BOTH HAVE TO WORK , ALL OF WHICH THESE MOTHERFUCKERS KNOW NOTHING ABOUT PAYING ! BUT AFTER WORK , THEN WE CAN GO PICK HIM UP A LITTLE AFTER 5:00 P.M. ! BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE , I NOW HAVE $197.23 IN THE BANK !

i don't disagree with that either, however i think the point the video was trying to make wasn't necessarily against the welfare/illegal immigration laws..
Shit we dont have nothing to worry about as long as we have the Octomom.. She can pop 8 out a time!!
We have a certain race here in TN that avgs about 6 per family oops I should say Mom.
I think I see where this is going: the unbridled expansion of the dumbass class of mankind. Those of you who haven't seen it need to rent or buy the movie "Idiocracy." It's a peek into the future and what the world could be like in 500 years if things don't change. It's the general dumbing down of the human race where the wealthy, elite and intelligent class reproduce at a very low rate or not at all and the ignorant, apathetic and trashy lower to middle class reproduce at 10 times that rate. Eventually the world is run by a bunch total idiots who don't know their ass from a whole in the ground. It's a comedy, but it definitely makes you think that it's a possibility. CR, you would enjoy it, I did. It was hilarious and well worth it. Check out a review I found: