i have a carb that will not quit flooding no mater what so while im in it the 3rd time id like to replace the seat. ...... um how in the bejesus does one remove that thing
This has been ask a few times but they very rarely have to be changed. If I have a chance in the next day or so I will get an old carb out & Take pics & do a write up on this.
Check the float hinge pin for straightness. I don't button up the float bowl until I check the float for full movement. Push it all the way up and it should drop all the way down.
They are held in by the 4 peens on top which have to be ground off....but as others said this rarely is the problem area, check everything else before removing the seat!
i allready changed all 4 to be sure cause i had um. (i allready failed to fix um once dont really enjoy doing things over and over without a solution)i put a cap screw on the top and drove them and the brass plug out of the carb. reinstalled them with a hammer and rights sized nut driver. every part in the carbs are new besides the floats themselves