Fork oil

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Port St Lucie, FL.
Sorry for asking this question again, but I have looked for the post and couldn't find it.
I am changing my fork springs to progressive and I am not sure how much oil to put into the forks. I know that the newer version is a different amount the the older shocks.
Thanks for your help.
What you want to do is measure the distance from the top of the oil to the top of the fork. I measure off a tube with the right distance and then stick oil in the fork and pump it to get the oil into everything and then stick the tube into the fork and then suck out oil until it stops sucking it out.

I can't remember the distance that it's supposed to be though and my manual is at home.

I'll look here for it.

It's 4.8 inches for late model forks. Approx. 5.5 inches for early forks.

Did I beat Chris???? Yes!
What you want to do is measure the distance from the top of the oil to the top of the fork. I measure off a tube with the right distance and then stick oil in the fork and pump it to get the oil into everything and then stick the tube into the fork and then suck out oil until it stops sucking it out.

I can't remember the distance that it's supposed to be though and my manual is at home.

I'll look here for it.

I don't remember the distance either but a turkey baster or similar tool works well to get both sides equal.