Fresh Oil and Chips

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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2008
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Pittsburgh, PA
No, I'm not talking about lunch. These signs are all around my house right now. Every direction for about 3 miles and getting further every day. I hate this shit. They send the local road crew out and they spay a coat of oil all over the road and then send a triaxle down the road after it and tailgate 1" of pea sized gravel all over the place. It sucks. I cringe every time I come home and hear the arsenal of stone flying off the tires and hitting the bike. Not to mention the fact that this is dangerous for the first week or two because it creates a loose surface. Harldly any stone ends up sticking to the road. The rest eventually just get washed off to the shoulder after weeks of traffic and some good rain. Anyways, I was in a line of about 4 cars going down a road just done the same day. There was a '70 something 'vette with classic plates leading the pack at a whopping 25-30mph. Trying not to splatter his car with stone. Well, as soon as he turns into his driveway the guy that was behind him in a new, black, pontiac decides to throttle it up a bit. Road was windy. He lasted about 50 yard till the first right hand sweeper. Big 180 as he crosses the yellow line and slides sideways into the guardrail. Do they do this stupid shit to the roads in other areas?
Chip and tar... Yep! Only in the rural area roads though. I just lay low until the cars have fixed them...:biglaugh:
When I lived out in the boonies east of Buffalo, same thing - I hated it too. Down here in FL the rural roads get covered in a coat of crushed lime-rock with no oil. EVERYTHING within 50 yards of the road has a coat of white dust on it. I guess that's better than pea-gravel. No stone chips, you just have to wash a lot.
Ya they do it here too,
I just try and take alternate roads when they do it.

Another thing they do here that no one ever talks about is,
they put lines of tar in the cracks of asphalt.
When the weather gets hot this tar gets real soft and if your going around a bend, better be careful or your bike will slide out from under you. I had a few close calls, it's almost as bad as hitting loose gravel in the roads.

We have the worst freakin roads in pennsylvania, between the tar, gravel, and potholes you got to be on your toes at all times...
or else you will look like this guy>:stickyman:
That same tar is slippery when it is wet also. Have had a bike blown sideways when hitting a tar strip in high side winds in the rain.
We have metal streetcar tracks in some of the roads that are slippery as hell when it rains.
We have metal streetcar tracks in some of the roads that are slippery as hell when it rains.

Yeah, just to make those a little more fun, here in NY they put rubber approach aprons about 6' out on both sides of those tracks. I very nearly slid under a tri-axle dump hauling a flat bed w/dozer while left turning one dark rainy night!!

Scared the b-jeezus out of me. The trucker too I think, he gave me the air horns!
