Friend desperately needs help with throttle problem

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Aug 5, 2006
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Bedford, TX
Horrific experience, actually.

Witnessed a fellow VMaxer pull up to a stoplight on Saturday, with a Harley joining him in the lane next to him. They're at the front. Long access road...beautiful sunny day. Engines revving (those of us behind the two at the front of the pack, egging them on...) And then the light goes green...

The Harley, in a roar of exhaust note with the scent of burning cobwebs, blasts across the intersection. The mighty VMax, with its gleaming chrome, glittering metalflake and mighty Kerker exhaust...strolls its way up the access road, inhaling Harley exhaust as his buddies, horrified, watch from behind.


Rumor has it, the Harley owner soon headed to the neighborhood biker bar to exclaim to his buddies how he blew away the aging Yamaha in a true test of cruiser superiority.

If the VMaxer that committed this offense to all VMaxdom would like to come clean (after he reads this thread), it is said that confession is good for the soul. If not, your Man Card is in danger of being repo'd. :biglaugh:
OK, so I was daydreaming and didn't even pay any attention to the Harley. Why would I even want to humiliate the poor guy? He left the light so slowly, I didn't think he was racing anyway. It proves nothing to beat a Harley dresser in any kind of race. It is kind of embarrassing to even race a HD!! Kind of like saying it could actually be some kind of contest..... :icon_rolleyes:
I admit to doing the same at a light , while out of the corner of my eye , I spot " the man " . Drag racing around here will get you into a lot of crap I don't need , just to show a HD the way. Doesn't matter , win or lose , ticket at the least.

( unless your handle is C.R. ) :rofl_200:
Money! Where's the money? $50 bucks 1/4 mile down the road and then I will get serious. For 20 I'd let him hope all the way to the finish.
Dave #3505
Don't you guys have anything better to do than pick on some old Korean War vet out for a Sunday ride. What next? You hang out at the Humane Society and kick puppy'? MEANIES! :rofl_200:
Since most HD's require full throttle just to get moving, many HD riders feel that they are "always" racing in a contest to beat out that soccer mom minivan to the next redlight, cuz that's what bad-asses do in between stops at Starbucks. I'm sure the Vmax rider wasn't eve aware the flatulent moose next to him wanted to "race", and probably assumed the throttle jammed open when it shot across the intersection. Not wanting to get taken out by 1200lbs of runaway junk, he wisely held back.

Unless there's a turbo hanging off a V-rod motor, even a bone stock Vmax has nothing to fear from any Hardly on the road. It's like saying a Z01 lost to a Geo. I suppose if the Geo hammered the gas, and the vette took off line grandma with the weight of a feather on the pedal.....same idea. Except I'm pretty sure a Geo is faster than most HD's out there.

And really? Bragging about beating a HD is like bragging about being the smartest kid on the short bus.