Glock 18, the glock of all glocks

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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Near New Orleans
GLOCK 18, THE GLOCK OF ALL GLOCKS. 30 ROUND CLIP AND CAN BE FIRED LIKE A MACHINE GUN. Let's hope this doesn't get into the wrong hands. Fortunately, if one website is correct, it is available only to law enforcement, government, military , or as samples to class III dealers.
Thanks to people like this and the Safe Act it would be hard to get the semi-auto version of that in NY, let alone one with those "evil features".[/IMG]
Give me a drill and a cotter pin and........
Just saying any other Glock can be done to full auto, but they won't stop unless you empty or dump the mag.
Thanks to people like this and the Safe Act it would be hard to get the semi-auto version of that in NY, let alone one with those "evil features".[/IMG]

What an *******....'Ghost Gun'....:jerk it::looser:

Easily purchased and owned for the part. BUT, it doesn't come ready to install. There is some final machining to do (very very simple and done by hand). BUT, once final machined you would own an illegal part if it was installed into a gun and you didn't have the proper permits.

+1 The LAW keeps a very close eye on where those 'parts' can own one but install it and your day may end badly!
Every time I see something like this it amazes me. People who don't own a gun and can't protect themselves (Generally they do have Bodyguards) and can't even get the terminology or specs right, want to block me from having fun guns. They may someday use armed people to take my guns if they can. Bring it...

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