Got a new toy!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
I bought a lowsided 03 R1 from a friend in SC.. The damage was purly cosmetic, clean title, low miles (7800) runs like new!!!
All stock with the exception of the exhaust midpipe and can (that I shortened)
Totally different ride than ol'red (2010 VMax)
Power delivery is WAY different, you have to get the rpms up around 7000 +, all the way up to 12,500.
Likes to wheelie :)
Brakes great, handles great.... Fun toy!
Also get about 42 mpg!! Woo Hoo!!


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Nice, i'd like to ride one of those newer sportbikes just to see how they compare to the last on I rode back in the late eighties. But, congrats!!!
I have a twenty-year-old VMax and a twenty-five-year-old FZR1000. They both have a bit over 20,000 mi ea. People who don't know these bikes are amazed when I run them hard in the presence of much newer bikes and they are capable of staying w/the newer stuff unless the other rider digs deep into the tach range because I am right-there still. Sure the bikes are newer and faster, lighter too, usually, but I always enjoy telling them how old the rides I have are. If you keep your bike in good shape, you can ride them for many years. I look at it from the viewpoint of, "no bike payments, and fast-enough for me." I would rather-have two bikes as I do than have one newer bike. Actually, I have a lot of other bikes as projects, & one day I will get-around to them.

I would like a CBX from the twin shock era, but they are expensive to fix. Also, people ask $$$ for them in any shape. One of my acquaintances bought a leftover still-crated CBX from the dealership in about 1984-85 for $4K! He still has it.
Well Brett, Congratulations.. Now you've got two insanely fast bikes....:clapping:
Nice R1 by the way JBrett...sorry for the hijack...The performance capabilities of modern sportbikes is absolutely unreal. Good luck and have fun with it ! Like Fire Medic said, I love riding with and sometimes beating newer bikes with my 23 year old muscle....That WTF look at the next light is priceless :ummm:
Modern sportbikes are unreal. Make the vmax feel like a pig in a poke. Not so much in the acceleration category, but the handling is telepathic on newer stuff. Just think about a corner and it's leaner over like it's on rails.

The thing is, the faster and more capable a bike is, the better the rider has to be to really take advantage of it. I've smoked a R6 up one particular twisty mountain pass. I've also gotten smoked by a different rider on essentially the same bike on the same road.

Granted anybody can just floor it in a straight line, but launching some of these hyper powered bikes now can be a tricky affair unless they have traction/wheelie control. Not like the vmax where it's essentially just dump the clutch and go.
The power delivery on the R1 is way different. Ol'red will eat its lunch, I think.... the power is VERY smooth on the R1, Everytime I look down at the mph I say ****!
Hard to tell speed on this thing
But you guys are right.... It handlkes like a dream and I have not even begun to set the suspension up for me yet...
I absolutely LOVE the 03 R1's... Beautiful bike man!
Thanks guys, the bike is tons-o-fun
I think ol'red might be getting jealous? :)
Come on Kyle, its time for another ride anyway... k maybe when it cools off a bit!