got lucky on a set of carbs

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
I was going through some adds on kijji last night. "yamaha motorbike parts for sale" hmmm ok, I phoned the fellow to see what he had.Turns out he has a few parts left from a 97 max. I got"carbs" He said, they look clean and complete."how much" I ask...$20.00 bucks & shipping.SOLD I said. Should have them here in 4 to 5 days. I am excited. I kinda wanted an extra set to tune and play with, but they are so pricey and hard to find around here. I might just bolt em on and see how they work. More than that,..If I rip a diaphram, I got 4 extra.I hate not having a bunch of spare parts.
Some people have all the luck.:biglaugh: I have been watching for a complete parts bike but nothing yet. I just want to keep the one I have running.
I've been fighting problems for 2 years and finally, It's beginning to give me a glimse of daylight. For now it runs perfect except when I have to put Ethinol in. :-(

You made a Fantastic Deal..... Congrats

Dave / VMOA 4517
Update... Whoopee got my carbs in the mail today.They were packed very well,..bubble wrap,and styrofome.Alot of care went into packing much lol:rofl_200:Man oh man did I hit the jack pot with these babys!!! The friggin bike had been...SUBMERGED!!!!:rofl_200::rofl_200:Some days your the bug,and sometimes your the windshield. Just look at the pics!!! I'm still laughing. Holy crap, the insides look like they came from the TITANIC. Odly enough though,..the diaphram rubbers are in very nice shape "better than mine". The floats cleaned up very easy and look good. So,..I got a heck of a good laugh and a small container of parts.
Sorry. I got so excited about my new cabs, I forgot the post the pics.


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Still worth it. But uggghghgh....... flood victim...

I suspect that right there is the direct result of leaving the carbs sitting way too long full of E-10 GASOHOL. That shiite will draw moisture and separate.
Some people have all the luck.

I've bought stuff from Pinwall in the past and thought... sweet, got a good deal. Then the stuff shows up cracked, faded, rusty, broken, whatever. I would have thought you got those from Pinwall.... :bang head:

Should clean up well if nothing is corroded.
I've bought stuff from Pinwall in the past and thought... sweet, got a good deal. Then the stuff shows up cracked, faded, rusty, broken, whatever. I would have thought you got those from Pinwall.... :bang head:

Should clean up well if nothing is corroded.

Ah, yes..pinwall. In the begining they were good...not anymore. They have gotten bigger and they dont give a shit anymore. They are rude and uncaring to the customer,...and thats why they dont get my hard earned money anymore. Buy the time the part gets to the door...with shiping,handling,dollar exchange,and then paying UPS at the door...its sooo not worth it for a part thats 50% worn out. Your really taking your chances buying from them. I know from first hand experience.