Well-Known Member
Well its been awhile since I've been on here mainly because I bought a house and got engaged and when I surf the forum I spend money on my bike hahaha. But I wanted to share my amazing morning hunt with you guys.
Friday night 12/07/2013 my future brother in law came with me to hunt I stayed along a field and he went into the woods. Well on the way out he told me he had what he thinks was two coyotes fighting right behind him said it scared the **** out of him! I knew there were a bunch of coyotes back on this property. So the next morning my dad and an old hunting buddy (hasn't shot a deer yet this year) came with me. As we got to where they were gonna Y off and go to my ladder stand to put paul (my dads friend) in I told them if you hear me shoot its either a big buck or a coyote (I shot a buck during bow and 2 big doe alread so our freezer is full). 730 am I hear something running but its not big reach for my gun (thinking its a yote) but it was what I think a fox running by. Then I heared something else running in. It was bigger but it wasn't a deer in my head here comes the yote! Hearts thumping I'm excided and he appears. And stops behind a bush. I have the red dot on him and thinking what is he either an amazing once in the life time coyote or a once in a life time HUGE fox! So I wait for a few seconds he didn't move so I decided to shoot threw the brush dropped him! I wad ready to get out of the stand then I didn't even care for hunting a big buck (they never walk in front of me lol) here's the coyote he is either a blonde or butterscotch they call them very rare so rare ever hunting ny facebook page I posted it on no ones ever seen one. And the taxadermist that hunts the same land heard me shoot and text me to send him a pic when I did he said if u didn't get him mounted he was gonna buy him off of me so he can do it for the show room in his shop
So my buddy text me around 9 that hunts the next property over. Asking if I want to walk around because none of have seen any deer. I follow the solunar calander for hunting this year and I became a firm believer in it. Every deer I've kill has been within the movements. Saturdays movements were 10am-12pm. I told him 10am ill get down. Well 950 rolls in and I see two doe text him I can't get down I have 2 doe by me. Then some sticks break in front of me I grab my gun this has got to be a buck! Sure enough it was but a little 6pt so I'm watching him gun in hand then I hear noise to the side of me. The two do are within shooting but in some thick stuff. So I text my dad. Want me to shoot a doe for paul so he has meat? He told me yes. So I'm waiting for the doe to take a few more steps. Then I here something runing in the doe perk up and its two more one was huge! So I said that's the one I'm taking get ready to shoot the other two have run off already this is all happening within 40yrds of me. The two that came in stopped and looked behind them I said **** either a bucks coming or paul who is only like 200 yrds behind me scared them. Then they took off again and bang I shot at the doe.. as I was putting another bullet in I hear a stick break behind me and I look and here's this buck just coming in nosr to the ground after these doe! I'm pumped bot the buck I was hoping for because there's a big boy running around but my all meens the biggest one I have shot. He stepped into the same lane as the doe and bang another round goes off and I hear him pile up stuck breaking and such if your a hunter you know what I meen. Meen while my buddys texting me and my dad what's going on! I said I shot a big doe and a big buck! My dads all excited. My buddy starts walking to me because he wants to see. As I'm sitting in tree still the doe comes back flickering her tail.. I couldn't get another shot she hunt around for 20 minutes or so but couldn't get another shot at her I knew I injured her. So I was pumped for the deer I got down walked over to look at him I was happy so happy I forgot to get my coyote who was 20yrds infront of my stand so I had to go back to get him lol. But here's the pictures sorry for such a long post but it was an amazing morning for me. Couldnt find the doe we tracked her for oger a mile just couldn't find her.
I'm getting a full body mount done on the coyote. One of these I really like both of them. The taxadermist said he has a spare pheasant in the freezer if I want to use it.
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Friday night 12/07/2013 my future brother in law came with me to hunt I stayed along a field and he went into the woods. Well on the way out he told me he had what he thinks was two coyotes fighting right behind him said it scared the **** out of him! I knew there were a bunch of coyotes back on this property. So the next morning my dad and an old hunting buddy (hasn't shot a deer yet this year) came with me. As we got to where they were gonna Y off and go to my ladder stand to put paul (my dads friend) in I told them if you hear me shoot its either a big buck or a coyote (I shot a buck during bow and 2 big doe alread so our freezer is full). 730 am I hear something running but its not big reach for my gun (thinking its a yote) but it was what I think a fox running by. Then I heared something else running in. It was bigger but it wasn't a deer in my head here comes the yote! Hearts thumping I'm excided and he appears. And stops behind a bush. I have the red dot on him and thinking what is he either an amazing once in the life time coyote or a once in a life time HUGE fox! So I wait for a few seconds he didn't move so I decided to shoot threw the brush dropped him! I wad ready to get out of the stand then I didn't even care for hunting a big buck (they never walk in front of me lol) here's the coyote he is either a blonde or butterscotch they call them very rare so rare ever hunting ny facebook page I posted it on no ones ever seen one. And the taxadermist that hunts the same land heard me shoot and text me to send him a pic when I did he said if u didn't get him mounted he was gonna buy him off of me so he can do it for the show room in his shop

So my buddy text me around 9 that hunts the next property over. Asking if I want to walk around because none of have seen any deer. I follow the solunar calander for hunting this year and I became a firm believer in it. Every deer I've kill has been within the movements. Saturdays movements were 10am-12pm. I told him 10am ill get down. Well 950 rolls in and I see two doe text him I can't get down I have 2 doe by me. Then some sticks break in front of me I grab my gun this has got to be a buck! Sure enough it was but a little 6pt so I'm watching him gun in hand then I hear noise to the side of me. The two do are within shooting but in some thick stuff. So I text my dad. Want me to shoot a doe for paul so he has meat? He told me yes. So I'm waiting for the doe to take a few more steps. Then I here something runing in the doe perk up and its two more one was huge! So I said that's the one I'm taking get ready to shoot the other two have run off already this is all happening within 40yrds of me. The two that came in stopped and looked behind them I said **** either a bucks coming or paul who is only like 200 yrds behind me scared them. Then they took off again and bang I shot at the doe.. as I was putting another bullet in I hear a stick break behind me and I look and here's this buck just coming in nosr to the ground after these doe! I'm pumped bot the buck I was hoping for because there's a big boy running around but my all meens the biggest one I have shot. He stepped into the same lane as the doe and bang another round goes off and I hear him pile up stuck breaking and such if your a hunter you know what I meen. Meen while my buddys texting me and my dad what's going on! I said I shot a big doe and a big buck! My dads all excited. My buddy starts walking to me because he wants to see. As I'm sitting in tree still the doe comes back flickering her tail.. I couldn't get another shot she hunt around for 20 minutes or so but couldn't get another shot at her I knew I injured her. So I was pumped for the deer I got down walked over to look at him I was happy so happy I forgot to get my coyote who was 20yrds infront of my stand so I had to go back to get him lol. But here's the pictures sorry for such a long post but it was an amazing morning for me. Couldnt find the doe we tracked her for oger a mile just couldn't find her.

I'm getting a full body mount done on the coyote. One of these I really like both of them. The taxadermist said he has a spare pheasant in the freezer if I want to use it.

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