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Proud Vmax lover
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska
To prepare for the new healthcare reform package, we felt it necessary to develop a new medical symbol that truly depicts the Health Care Plan you will be getting!

Here's a thought, according to the latest IRS data available.

The top 50% of income earners in this country are paying 97% of the income tax.
The earn 87% of the income.

The top 20% of earners are paying 86% of the tab.
they earn 55% of the income.

The top 10% of earners are paying 71% of the tab.
They earn 40.9% of the income

The top 1% of earners are paying 38% of the tab.
They are earning 18% of the income.

The bottom 20% of earners are paying a NEGATIVE tax (earned income credit=welfare) while earning 4% of the income; actually I have no problem with this since it at least encourages people to WORK!

The bottom 50% of earners are paying 3% of the tax while earning 13% of the income.

Our tax structure is EXTREMELY progressive already, don't let anyone tell you the "rich" are not paying their share, they are paying MORE than their share already....

My point to this is that essentially thier are cuurently only slightly more people PULLING the wagon than their are riding in it, when the tax structure shifts even MORE of the burden higher up the brackets, their will be MORE people in the wagon than their are pulling it....

When that happens you can expect this country to RAPIDLY embrace full Socialism, inculding healthcare........people vote their wallets, when they discover that they can get **** for free at anothers expense, then it's "ON" when the takers outnumber the givers at the voting booth.......
What I think is messed up is you work all your life and retire. For example. My dad retired a State Trooper with tier 1 retirement. Full insurance, and some money per month.

Once he hit 65, it was get a letter in the mail stating, screw the full insurance, now manditory medicare is primary insurance (they don't pay ****), plus now has money taken out of the fixed retirement ( more than double he was paying for the original insurance ) monthly to pay for the medicare. Fortunatley he has a secondary insurance with the state and he was savvy enough to have made some smart investments in his 30+ years as a cop and has another retirement income.

What gets me is I know others who hit 65, retired (eather for health or other reasons) and didn't make such investements. Now they're in the medicare, and have a chunk of thier monthly check taken out. End up working many hours at a dead end job taking home $200 a week after taxes, just to compensate what they paid into all thier working lives.

Then I have a brother, who's claiming his back is all messed up ( yet he works on cars, carry's transmissions and other goodies ) and can't work. He collects tax free money, help on rent and groceries, free medical, etc.. via the social security system. They have been notifyed by people but yet nothing. for over 10 years, nothing. The funny part is, although I paid into the SS system longer than he has, according to a letter I recieved, I'll get about a third of what he get's per month if I'm messed up and cannot work.

I blow my back apart in 2007, unable to work the two jobs I most recently held (firefighter, police officer). I worked while hurt for a summer dealing with hazmat. It about killed me. I decided I needed a change, I found it quite easy to get a grant and a student loan and return to school to be an RN. (got my grades, averaging a 3.3 GPA :punk:) Maybe thats just me not wanting a handout, but to do things to help better myself and earn a good living, I dunno.
I have friends that move snow and one guy I know works two 11/hr jobs. to make things work until he goes back to doing what he's trained to do. If you ask him why $11/hr jobs, he'll say, they were easy to get, and besides. two 11/hr jobs = a $22/hr paycheck.

My question is why isn't re-training manditory for social security prospects. CPA, Office management, Medical transcription... are just a few jobs that come to mind that pay decent and ppl on the S.S. system can be trained at.

I think that if your in a good working age < 55, and are capable of any another job, you should be entered into a re-training system rather than blindly handed out a check every month.

Same goes for welfare, if you aren't enrolled in at least one class that would better your chance of employment and don't pass random drug tests, no money.
Solution: FLAT TAX.... how could anyone argue that it isn't fair????

I agree 300% with that Jeff... Why do "poor" folk think the rich should pay more? I never understood that. Is it because they feel they weren't given something the rich ones were? In a lot if not most cases the rich people worked their ***** off to get where they are.

i like the idea of getting all but rid of an income tax and jacking up sales tax to compensate. that also keeps people earning money illegally to pay into the same systems.