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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2011
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I went on vacation in Oregon for two weeks in August; enjoyed the hell of it. Bought an '75 R100 road it up the coast and was able to sell it for more then 500$ at the end of the trip. Didn't pay for the trip but that wasn't the point. Came home feeling generally happy with myself.

Two days after I got home I stopped in at my clubhouse/toy barn to do some work on the bikes only to find I couldn't open the front door. Long story short, someone tore a hole in the back wall and carted out 60 thousand dollars of snap-on and Mac tools, 16 thousand dollars of remote control stuff, 25 thousand dollars of motorcycle and car parts. Pretty much anything they could fit though the hole in the wall; hours of work certainly.

If that wasn't enough, they were able to get into some personal papers I didn't know I had stashed there, emptied out my checking account and attempted to open 45 credit cards in a three day period, 15 of which they succeeded and charged 30 thousand dollars of merchandise. By the way, that million dollar promise that Life Lock talks about, that only covers you if the thief gets your information FROM LIFE LOCK...

So, to get to the point of this post, anyone have a full rack of carbs, ignitech set up, COPs, Rx2n speedo they are wanting to part with?
Sounds like it was some one that knew what you had and that you would be gone during that time. It's some one you know...............
That's one of the most tragic tales I've ever heard. So sorry for you brother. If I were there, we'd hunt these Rat Bastards down and make bear food of them. Red and White (H.A.) is up there, any chance of their involvement? Otherwise, it sounds like someone who knew what you have and that you were gone...
Sounds like it was some one that knew what you had and that you would be gone during that time. It's some one you know...............


I would think out of all that, there'd be some usable tracks to follow - both physical tracks, and electronic tracks.

Watch your local pawn shops, Ebay, and any area Craigs list type sales outlets like a f'ing hawk, and some of your stuff will start showing up.
We've been able to figure out it actually happened the same night I flew home from Oregon. As for anyone knowing about what I have, I'm not sure how that would happen as I have only recently moved in there and have not had anyone over, ever. We were able to lift some fingerprints from some wheels we found outside. The thief(s) moved them out but decided not to take them. Why they wanted my single seat rear fender and airbox cover but not a set of authentic vintage mag wheels is beyond me.

Insurance only covers 1000$ dollars of hand tools regardless of the actual cost. And only tools that are used to build the building. So if they had taken the skill saw I'd be good. They didn't take any of the bikes or cars; seems that while they took the keys they couldn't figure out that the color coded keys matched the color coded locks on the roll up doors.

I almost wish they had stolen the vehicles instead. A couple of large lumps would almost be better. As it is I keep finding little things that I don't own anymore. Like when the hobby shop calls to tell me my kerosene turbine is in but I no longer have the remote control jet to put it in or the thought 'oh I can't actually attach my soon to be acquired carbs to the bike because I don't own a screw driver'. A life time of buying something off the tool truck every payday. That's what really gets me, some of those tools they don't make anymore.

anyway thanks for the offers. Have to admit I've not been real sure if I was going to bother trying to get the bike back up. couple of weeks or reading old posts is starting to bring me around.
That whole situation is ********, I think a previous poster was right, its someone who knows you. Sorry you are having to go through all of this. Since they proceeded to identity theft at least their is a digital trail that can start to be followed. I'll pray that the culprits can be found out and brought to justice; frontier style or otherwise.

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OMG dude..I just saw this post... sorry to hear man.
Heck, they should be easy to find, there can't be that many people in Alaska..?.. ;)

I lost some tools myself about a year ago..not nearly what you lost, but still a lot of stuff from over the years.(maybe 6K worth total).and it was my own fault for not clearing the stuff outa my old house when I lost it.

still..sorry to hear man.