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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Ok since I now have your attention.... The chromer lost one of my billet scoop inserts:bang head::bang head: that have the bio-hazard sign engraved in it. If you know where one is or a link to some .. please let me know

Ok since I now have your attention.... The chromer lost one of my billet scoop inserts:bang head::bang head: that have the bio-hazard sign engraved in it. If you know where one is or a link to some .. please let me know


:ummm: Hey, Tell him to check the bottom of the tank. Good Luck, Spurs
Ok since I now have your attention.... The chromer lost one of my billet scoop inserts:bang head::bang head: that have the bio-hazard sign engraved in it. If you know where one is or a link to some .. please let me know

My powder coater lost some of my parts once.He finely found them about a week later.Soooo give the guy a chance.He just mite find your part:biglaugh:.......Rusty
We have had that happen with parts from our shops Chromer in the past and he would always seem to find them in either the bottom of the tank or on a shelf some where. I would just hold on to patience and let them look in every place they possibly can then if nothing turns up hit the roof!!!
What I do when I take anything to be metal-finished, i take hi-res pics of everything I give them, and I give a copy to the manager who takes my order, that eliminates any arguments about "we don't have that, you never gave it to us." Then I make sure he checks-off ea. one against the picture(s).

I don't recommend 'hitting the roof.' That gives a very transitory flush of self-righteous indignation, and immediately puts them on the defensive. As was suggested, give them a bit of time to try and turn it up, they likely will. If not, after a reasonable time, you can negotiate what they are willing to do for you. I always feel it's better to 'play-nice' than to scream & shout.

There is one situation where I lost patience with a Honda car dealership, but it was after weeks of trying to get them to 'do the right thing,' and it all was because of their mechanic's gross negligence which put my family directly in harm's way. Thank-God no one was injured, it easily could have been a multiple fatality, I think God watched-out for my wife, my in-laws, and myself that day in Gainesville FL where we were attending my son'd law school graduation. The mechanic responsible was fired. They spent $7K fixing my Accord after they botched a 'preventative maintenance' repair of its timing belt replacement. The car died just after we turned and went through the busiest intersection on probably the busiest day of the year in the biggest FL university campus. Why? 'Someone' forgot to torque-down the crankshaft pulley bolt, resulting in the timing introducing the pistons to the valves-by force. 300 miles from home, with my 89 y.o. in-laws in the car, in the middle of a FL summer...'dead' on the road, in the middle of eight lanes of traffic. It took them three attempts and two and one-half months to fix the car. During that time, it broke down on my wife on the FL Turnpike, during her customary 70 mi. one-way commute. Again, we dodged a family member being killed by traffic. The last repair, the cashier tried to get me to pay, it was $2900, and I found it hard to keep my temper, but I did. I gave them the personal cellphone number of the general manager of their chain of dealerships (which includes AUDI and BMW) with-whom I was on a 'first-name' basis by this time. They finally got that straightened out and then told me that "we can't find the keys to the other cars in-front of yours on the lot, so come-back tomorrow and pick-it up!" It was about ten-of-nine p.m. I headed out the door to the parking lot and told them to get their tow truck to move the cars blocking me-in because I was leaving with my car and wasn't going to be too-concerned with a few doors, bumpers or mirrors as I extracted my car. Then I hopped-in and started my car, and was able to get through the 'roadblock' of cars. I think they thought I was going to show-up with a 'spare key' and take my car home w/o paying, not-knowing that the dealership was on the hook for the total cost of repairs. That's probably the closest I ever came to losing-it over dealership behavior. If someone got hurt or worse, it would have been an ugly lawsuit.

I think I'll make a sloe gin fizz and think about kittens and puppies for awhile, and then go shopping for some new shoes. That'll calm me down. :rofl_200:
I think I'll make a sloe gin fizz and think about kittens and puppies for awhile, and then go shopping for some new shoes. That'll calm me down. :rofl_200:

JEEZUS!!! after reading that I need a drink and a pair of shoes too!!!:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:
Im honestly glad it all worked out for you that is a horrid thing to have to go through. It got me nine kinds of ramped up!!.....wooosaaa...wooosaaa ah to heck with it Im getting a drink.
I asked repeatedly for a good trade-in on my Accord towards a new car but the G.M. never would begin to negotiate, and I never did understand that. They had to pay the Gainesville FL Honda dealer for the repair that lasted all-of a month, the Firestone shop which tried to get me going immediately after throwing the timing belt, the rental car, the hotel room, the travel costs back home and then to Gainesville to pick-up the 'fixed' car, the cost of the dealership repair in Palm Beach Co. (a branch of their network), and probably some other miscellaneous expenses I forgot about. I kept a file, and the billed costs were >$7K.

Be sure and follow-up to inform us what happens.
I am a dealer for their stuff by the way! BUT, Gannon's missing insert is not likely to show up anytime soon (it may eventually show up). He's looking for billet aluminum inserts that were made a few years back by a guy on ebay.

Can't remember who made them to find him again.

Here's what we sent. And what we got back. See what's missing (besides waldo).



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