Chris u sure thats not me u r lookin at that is ugly. lol. We dont noodle, although there is a group around here that does. Some crazy fukers, one guy almost died noodling he was going inside barrel for air to stay down longer but the barrel had chemicals in it and almost killed him, burnt his lungs.
I caught it on a 10" chub (torpedo lookin baitfish). Was just a few hours from you, where i caught it, Mankato Minnesota. went through your area on the way up if i remeber corectly (by then many beers have been drank). we try go every year as tribute to ouir good freind JR, the guy who started me fishing for flatheads, he passed 2 years ago at age 46. We live hard here in Missouri i guess. I have to miss the only VMOA event in my area every year so it kinda sux but its just as fun i think.