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Dec 15, 2006
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test. trying to post a pic. figured i put up my recent catch of a 36# Flathead Catfish. caught in Minnesota River.


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Yea, nice!

My biggest ever was 46 and 48lbs. Caught within about 30 minutes of each other when I was probably 8. I could not reel them in and my grandpa thought I had snagged the line on a log or something. The heavier one was pregnant.

I still remember that. The fish touched the ground with me having both hands trying to hold it up.

Here's a couple out of the local pond at the shop. We've caught bigger but not a lot. By the way, that's not me in the pic! It is however my oldest girl.



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Chris u sure thats not me u r lookin at that is ugly. lol. We dont noodle, although there is a group around here that does. Some crazy fukers, one guy almost died noodling he was going inside barrel for air to stay down longer but the barrel had chemicals in it and almost killed him, burnt his lungs.
I caught it on a 10" chub (torpedo lookin baitfish). Was just a few hours from you, where i caught it, Mankato Minnesota. went through your area on the way up if i remeber corectly (by then many beers have been drank). we try go every year as tribute to ouir good freind JR, the guy who started me fishing for flatheads, he passed 2 years ago at age 46. We live hard here in Missouri i guess. I have to miss the only VMOA event in my area every year so it kinda sux but its just as fun i think.
46 and a 48. geez sean thats a hell of a night. My biggest is 38 i havent broken the 40 mark yet. lookin for the 50 plus one day. i pull em in like bass, i hold my rod in my left hand and ease em to the boat and grab that big mouth and HANG ON!. lol. this one tore the **** oughta my hands. JR caught a 68 once and thats the biggest ive ever seen yet. wouldnt even fit sideways in a ranger pickup. mighta been a state record if he woulda went to the conservation dept.... but we fried it with hushpuppies and had a party instead. lol. the fight is worth waiting hours for. That is one heck offa nice bass your daughter has there. congrats too her! she is grinnin ear to ear. man kids and fishing it dont get better than that.
It's been a lot of years but I still remember it. Like I said, I couldn't even reel it in at the time since I was too young.

The bass in the pond by the shop get decent size for sure. The pics are a year apart. She does like fishing but not really like taking them off the hook. She is getting better with that girly stuff though.

The youngest likes it too and not afraid to get her hands dirty. She even likes to help out at the shop (i've got a picture of both of them building a vmax engine - working on the heads actually).

Im sure you fought with all you had at 8. or maybe your grandpa was like JR if given the chance hed take a pole out of your hands. lol. "here give me that your gonna lose it" haha. I never fell for that one but ive seen some that did. hed gladly reel in your fish for ya.

Your girls are already more mechanically knowledgeable on the Vmax than i am then. lol. that would be a great pic to frame for the living room wall. my girls love to ride on the vmax but im not sure about helping me work on it. lol.
Good catch. My biggest was a 24, out of the Smoky Hill in Ks. I'm jealous.
fricken awesome !!! My son & I went spearfishing in the Gulf-of-Mexico for Father's Day & all our fish added together weren't that big. Way to go !:punk:
Since I got the post I might as well show this pic. This is a guy I know he caught this Blue Cat on the Missouri River couple nights ago. This thing is a monster, he scaled it right at 80#S!! The guy is 6'-4" and 280#s and that fish even makes him look small. It was a giant. i didnt get to see it but musta been a hoss to get in.


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