Honesty about Obamas " Legacy "

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Jul 7, 2008
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Monticello , Georgia
A whole mouthful of honesty here.....

Sylvia Thompson column

Sylvia Thompson is a black writer whose aim is to counter the liberal spin on issues pertaining to race and culture.

Ms. Thompson is a copy editor by trade currently residing in Tennessee. She formerly wrote for the Conservative Forum of Silicon Valley California Newsletter and the online conservative blog ChronWatch, also out of California.

She grew up in Southeast Texas during the waning years of Jim Crow-era legalized segregation, and she concludes that race relations in America will never improve, nor will we ever elevate our culture, as long as there are victims to be pandered to and villains to be vilified. America is better served without victims or villains.

Barack Obama is not seeking "legacy"

Sylvia Thompson (http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/sthompson)
October 26, 2015

To the many gullible souls out there who truly think that Barack Obama is "legacy building" in his all-out assault on America, I implore you to bow out of the conversation because you are not seeing clearly.

The term legacy carries positive connotations of something bequeath that is to the receiver's benefit. Everything that Barack Obama does is calculated to destroy America, which he despises. This man no more cares about legacy than he fears being properly prosecuted by the white political leaders whose responsibility it is to remove him from office.

I focus on white leaders, because whites are still in the majority and they fill the majority of political offices. If the majority of political
operatives were of some other ethnicity, I would lodge my complaint against that group. Ethnicity is an issue only because Obama is half-black and he uses that fact to intimidate guilt-conflicted white people. Otherwise, he would have been impeached and likely in prison for treason by now.

Barack Obama's sole aim has been, since he first entered politics and continues as he winds down this presidency, the complete destruction of America as it was founded.

It is an insult to the intelligence of all Americans who must listen to elitist pundits on Fox news and elsewhere, and political drones in either party endeavor to make Obama's behavior fit a pattern of normalcy. Attributing his destructive policies to "legacy building" is either self-delusion on the part of the people who make that claim or cowardliness.

This is my take.

Obama's nuclear deal with Iran has nothing to do with legacy but rather to enable a Muslim nation to wage nuclear war with America and Israel – the two nations that he most despises. Does anyone wonder why Russians praise Vladimir Putin despite what the rest of the world might think of him? Putin cares about his country, that's why.

Obama despises the American military because traditionally it has been a mainstay of America's strength, and our strength infuriates him.

Imposition of a polluting homosexual, anti-Christian agenda upon the military ranks destroys unit cohesion and literally terrorizes male members with the prospect of sodomy rape. Such rapes have increased since the forcing of open homosexuality in the ranks, against the will of a majority of members I might add. Couple that with an infiltration of women, for whom all standards of strength must be reduced, and Obama attains his goal of emasculating and demoralizing the forces.

He could not care less about a legacy of making the forces more diverse. Besides, President Truman diversified the military as much as it should be when he integrated it. Obama's objective is its destruction.

Obama reopened relations with Cuba because Cuba is Communist. Legacy is not his concern here either, but rather to scuttle America's attempts to keep Communist influence out of the Americas. That Cuba has major issues with human rights does not matter. Like his Marxist African father before him, he despises the West and all that it represents.

Obama lawlessly declares open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens, because he wants to overrun America with third-world people who bring little more than dependency with them. This tactic not only does not ensure a legacy, but rather it guarantees the eventual conversion of America itself into third-world status, if it is allowed to continue.

Bill Clinton started the travesty of increasing the numbers of third-world immigrants at the expense of culturally more suited immigrants from European and European-influenced nations, but Obama has taken the trend to lawless, destructive extremes. He is fully aware that many of these invaders have no intention of assimilating.

It is only the outcry of a majority of Americans that holds back this hateful invasion scheme, and Donald Trump's entry onto the political scene to oppose that scheme is a saving grace for our nation.

These are but a few instances of behavior that display the loathsome character of Barack Hussein Obama. And he is allowed to roam freely through the American landscape poisoning and polluting as he goes, sure in the realization that no one will stop him because he is "black."

The day that we no longer have to hear the prattle about his "legacy building" will not be soon enough for me.

Many, many Americans are thoroughly fed up with Barack Obama and the spineless crop of political leaders who ignore his criminality. It is yet unknown whether Republicans will ever garner the backbone to become a true opposition party and hold him accountable. Promising signs are the House conservatives' getting rid of establishment types John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy
as House Speaker and Speaker hopeful, respectively, and Donald Trump's entry into the 2016 presidential race with enough money and testicular fortitude to tell the Establishment and the Left where to shove it.

Should these positive trends not continue and the 2016 election cycle yield no movement to counter all the harm that Barack Obama has done to this nation, I think there will be massive disruption. Those folks in the National Rifle Association ads currently running on television seem very serious to me, and that is a good thing.

This thought expressed in words above has been echoing for the past 7 years...the most surprising thing is the fact it has continued unabated for that long...where the **** are Americans ? What the **** have they ( we ) been doing or rather NOT doing ? This **********-in-charge has one last year to complete his destruction of this country and all I can see is more of the same , at an accelerated pace yet . I just hope we react accordingly and set the course to take back the damages done by this ****...:bang head:

Got a little aggravated here so take with a grain of salt...:confused2:
Should we expect anything less from a professional agitator with a muslim / communist background , investigated and vetted by a democrat / socialist press corp ?
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Should we expect anything less from a professional agitator with a muslim / communist background , investigated and vetted by a democrat / socailist press corp ?

So what is it you're hinting at...? :confused2:
But he has caused more gun and ammo sales than anyone in American history. He has helped the firearms industry..:rofl_200:
But he has caused more gun and ammo sales than anyone in American history. He has helped the firearms industry..:rofl_200:

That's for sure!! :punk:

This big gun control thing has resulted in a far better armed populace than ever before.

Why, even I bought a couple extra large caliber, multi-round capacity weapons....can you imagine......:blink000: :biglaugh:
'Our Shared Values'?

Obama's Twisted Interpretation of "American Values"

By Mark Alexander · November 4, 2015
"Every consideration that can influence the human mind, such as honor, oaths, reputation, conscience, the love of country, and family affections and attachments, afford security for their fidelity." —John Jay in Federalist No. 64, 1788
Barack Obama often makes reference to "our values," "shared values," "American values" and "who we are." It's an interesting propaganda ploy — one that he uses to lull the more gullible members of his audience into a belief that he and he alone is the ultimate arbiter of our nation's values.
In September, Obama issued a fact sheet on "Advancing Shared Values." It was a rosy assessment of the morals, ethics and ideals that the American people share with Pope Francis. It framed most of those shared values in the context of "social justice," a pleasant-sounding Marxist term that fully comports with Obama's worldview.
Earlier this year, in his "Proclamation of Religious Freedom," Obama also referenced "our shared values," but it's clear that his is the most faith-intolerant regime in the history of our Republic.
In his last State of the Union address, Obama talked of "the values at stake," "democratic values" and "the example of our values." He also asserted that we "share certain bedrock values," and that "a better politics is one where we ... talk issues and values."
He referenced "who we are" and told us repeatedly "as Americans" what we believe.
The fact is, however, Obama's version of "our shared values" and "who we are" is deeply flawed, which is in part why he now presides over the most distrusted administration in American history.
In 2009, I noted that Obama's remarkably brief White House bio began with this ridiculous assertion: "His story is the American story — values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family..." You can make up the rest.
Amazingly, Obama's deceitful bio page has not been altered since 2009.
So, in an effort to better understand who Obama really is, and what he means by "shared values," let's review Obama's real story.


Barack was born to Stanley Ann Dunham and BHO senior, a Kenyan Muslim polygamist alcoholic. Both parents were socialist atheists who met, fittingly, in a Russian language class while students at the University of Hawaii. They were married shortly before Obama was born and separated soon thereafter. Thus, young "Barry," like millions of urban youth today, was abandoned by his father.
When Obama was four, his mother remarried to an Indonesian Muslim, Lolo Soetoro. He and his mother moved with Soetoro to Jakarta, where young Barry Soetoro spent four years in local Islamic schools. That helps explain his blinding Islamophilia.
Young Barry became attached to his stepfather, but Lolo and his mother (who would later divorce) sent a 10-year-old Barack back to Hawaii to live with his Communist-sympathizing grandparents.
Abandoned by both his father and stepfather, Obama fell under the spell of avowed Marxist Frank Marshall Davis, who stewarded Obama's worldview until he left for college.
Obama moved to Los Angeles and studied for two years at Occidental College, transferring to Columbia University and graduating with a BA in political science in 1983. In 1985, he moved to Chicago to become a “community organizer.”
There, Obama met Michelle Robinson. They dated through law school and were married in 1992, by Jeremiah “G-D America” Wright, the now-infamous “black liberation” heaver of hate rhetoric. Their two daughters were baptized by Wright, and the Obamas remained active in Wright’s church until Obama distanced himself from his spiritual mentor during his 2008 presidential campaign.
While in Chicago, Obama developed close associations with many other leftist radicals, including Bob Creamer, Edward Said, Roberto Unger, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Khalid al-Mansour, Michael Pfleger, Rashid Khalidi, Tony Rezko and the ACORN crowd.
Barack and Michelle Obama often quote Saul Alinsky, the patron saint of radical “community organizers.” The dedication of Alinsky’s book, "Rules for Radicals," proclaims, “Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”


And that, fellow Patriots, is the real Barack Obama bio. Those are his "values from the heartland," and that is his "middle-class upbringing in a strong family." Like so many leftists, his roots are shallow and broken, and he's a master of the BIG Lie. Indeed, his whole façade is a colossal lie.
Obama's tragic childhood manifests in his psychopathology, which dictates and frames his values. The absence of his father and the fact that he was never appropriately affirmed has manifested in chronic narcissistic personality disorder.
Charles Krauthammer concurs: “I decided when I left psychiatry never to use my authority. But let me just say as a layman, without invoking any expertise, Obama is clearly a narcissist." Krauthammer added, "This is a character story. I mean, we all know that Obama is a narcissist."
Obama and his mentors subscribe to rigid doctrines and “nanny state” regimes to satiate their persistent insecurity, the result of low self-esteem and arrested emotional development. They externalize responsibility for problems and solutions by holding others to blame for their ills and bestowing upon the state the duty for arbitrating proper conduct — even proper thought. They are driven primarily by self-interest.
Tragically, the net effect of Obama's social policies, and those of other "Great Society" leftists over the last five decades, is a nation that increasingly looks as broken as Obama, ensuring that ever greater numbers of his leftist cadresdo share his values.
The Democratic Party has redistributed more than $22 trillion in what has amounted to a war against self-reliance, and they have created a dependent welfare state enslaving tens of millions of our fellow Americans on urban poverty plantations. It’s no coincidence that conservative political bases tend to be suburban or rural, while liberal political bases tend to be urban. The urban plantations are Leftist breeding grounds for legions of the disenfranchised, those who are largely dependent on the state for all manner of their welfare, protection and sustenance.
The consequences of the current welfare state are borne out in Nicholas Eberstadt's comprehensive study, "American Exceptionalism and the Entitlement State." As Eberstadt concludes, "Until and unless America undergoes some sort of awakening that turns the public against its blandishments, or some sort of forcing financial crisis that suddenly restricts the resources available to it, continued growth of the entitlement state looks very likely in the years immediately ahead. And in at least that respect, America today does not look exceptional at all."
The late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY), a man of great intellect, warned, “It cannot too often be stated that the issue of welfare is not what it costs those who provide it, but what it costs those who receive it.”
Indeed, the human cost is immeasurable, and the result is that those who share Obama's values have no common values with American Patriots, whose tireless service and sacrifice are truly the bedrock support of the Unalienable Rights of Man.
In his 1981 proclamation on Father's Day, Ronald Reagan wrote, "There is no institution more vital to our Nation's survival than the American family. Here the seeds of personal character are planted, the roots of public virtue first nourished. Through love and instruction, discipline, guidance and example, we learn from our mothers and fathers the values that will shape our private lives and our public citizenship."
Obama missed those values.
You know....over the last couple of days CNN is going after Ben Carson for his background. ...and Obama got a PASS....and none of his history was ever brought up.

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You know....over the last couple of days CNN is going after Ben Carson for his background. ...and Obama got a PASS....and none of his history was ever brought up.

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Funny how the liberal controlled media works... A presidential candidate's citizenship was in question and the media didn't give it any scrutiny. A presidential candidate may or may not have been told by a general he was a shoe in for west point and the media is flipping out. I watch Mike and Mike in the morning now since I'd rather hear about sports than "politics" anyway.
It's been said the front page of the paper is about mans failures , the sports page is about mans accomplishments...:punk: