What would be your best guess on cost for doing that?go back to stock , look is way better as well as the sound , I think aftermarket pipes ruin these bikes
Don't think they ever made Supertraps for a Gen 2...That's what I like about Supertrapps. They are adjustable. I have 6 discs in mine to satisfy my taste.
Hey everybody I’m interested in losing a few decibels on my gen 2 Vmax. (yes I’m olderI’ll post pics of what I have. Any recommendations appreciated
Repack with ceramic and pack super tight. Or. Buy and insert a glass pack insert available from ebay. Insert into the UFO muffler it into the pipe before the muffler.Hey everybody I’m interested in losing a few decibels on my gen 2 Vmax. (yes I’m olderI’ll post pics of what I have. Any recommendations appreciated
I have the UFO exhaust on my first gen. I have repacked them and added extra baffles and it barely did anything to reduce the volume. Decided to just run them until I get a ticket, then maybe put the stock back on it. 3rd summer and no ticket yet. I do drive pretty tame in town, but let here rip once I get out of town and wear ear plugs when I ride.