How will you regulate cow farts?

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Dec 12, 2011
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Lawton, OK
EPA: US Climate Plan Also Addressing Agricultural Methane Emissions

The Obama administration’s Climate Action Plan will not only target reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas industry, but methane emissions from agriculture as well. Results of a recently published study indicate that farming, not hydraulic fracturing, was behind the rise of methane emissions since 2007.

Rigzone reached out to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to see what role that methane emissions from agriculture could be playing in U.S. methane emissions. Agricultural activity in the United States accounts for about one-quarter of total U.S. methane emissions, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) told Rigzone in an email statement. According to the EPA’s website, methane emissions from natural gas and petroleum systems account for 29 percent of U.S. methane emissions.

Reducing methane is a key component of the president’s Climate Action Plan, and biogas recovery, including anaerobic digestion for livestock manure, plays an important role in the plan’s strategy to reduce methane emissions, the EPA said. Under the methane strategy, federal partners have developed a biogas roadmap to identify voluntary actions to promote biogas recovery and use, and near-term steps that federal agencies can take to address current barriers, the EPA said. “EPA has committed to continue working with federal partners such as the Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and other stakeholders, including state and regional partners, to promote biogas recovery through our current voluntary partnership programs,” the EPA told Rigzone. “These include the AgSTAR program, the Biogas and Biodigesters Workgroup, the Combined Heat and Power Partnership, and the Landfill Methane Outreach Program.”

EPA recently finalized the voluntary Natural Gas STAR Methane Challenge Program Best Management Practice Commitment Framework, which will provide a new mechanism through which oil and gas companies can make and track ambitious commitments to reduce methane emissions, according to EPA’s website.
So, this is a real article.......Biogas recovery.....Does this mean that Bessie will now walk around with a tube in her ass to collect her farts? Excuse ,me......BIOGAS.
I remember this issue from a few years back. As I recall legislators were looking to ad some type of fee to be assessed against cattle ranchers based on herd size. I'm less clear on how this fee would help this perceived problem. That never got off the ground, presumably because it's beyond absurd. I'm not surprised to see it resurface though. I live near agriculture and every time I drive by a pasture and see a cow grazing I think to myself "this is whats wrong with America, we have to stop this at once!"

All the methane gas generated as a result of all the caucuses and debates is another story. :ummm:
I remember this issue from a few years back. As I recall legislators were looking to ad some type of fee to be assessed against cattle ranchers based on herd size. I'm less clear on how this fee would help this perceived problem. That never got off the ground, presumably because it's beyond absurd. I'm not surprised to see it resurface though. I live near agriculture and every time I drive by a pasture and see a cow grazing I think to myself "this is whats wrong with America, we have to stop this at once!"

All the methane gas generated as a result of all the caucuses and debates is another story. :ummm:

Yep, I can see that. Before its been talked about countries being able to BUY carbon credits, and so its all about money. You know.....if something is so very bad.....OUTLAW it, but NOOOOOO.....lets tax it, and so we can raise money to use how we wish....
Maybe they won't limit it to agriculture.
Maybe some day soon I won't be able to purchase those yummie BUSH'S BEANS.
Please say it ain't gonna happen!
Maybe they won't limit it to agriculture.
Maybe some day soon I won't be able to purchase those yummie BUSH'S BEANS.
Please say it ain't gonna happen!

Your outta luck Miles.....UNLESS, your will to use the BIOGAS reclamation receptacle which is a 1 gallon jug with a garden hose on the end.....:rofl_200:
Sorry to be a pedant but I seem to recall that rather than coming out of the messy end the majority is belched out.
Perhaps we need to develop helmets for them that would collect the gas?

Some interesting further read here (allegedly).

Far more serious than bovine methane production is the effect that eating Fabada can have on the human body.

This stuff is LETHAL especially if you and your partner decide to finish off a large tureen of the stuff in one sitting (I know this to be true).
Not only does it produce farts that can damage the hearing of anyone nearby but also provide enough fuel to run a small power station for several days.

The only time this foodstuff should be consumed is if you are in a tent by the exit with someone you don't particularly like.
Just prey there aren't any naked flames nearby or you will both suffer a fiery death.