Congrats, a worthy post count for your first year! I'm averging a little better than 3 posts per day but that pales in comparison to Garrett's close to 9 posts/ day!!!!:worthy: he's been a postus whoreus for sometime now!!! He deserves 2!:rofl_200:unk::clapping:
That doesn't make him ALL bad BB!! :biglaugh: Some of my best friends are Hostess Phoreus's!! ****, I may even be one myself! :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
Grats ninjaneer!!
Yes sir, you are indeed! You've doubled up my ppd avg with a gentleman's wit and technicians precision, all the while maintaining a high sense of morality! :worthy::eusa_dance:unk:
Hmmmmm....does that justify an award?
+1 Michael !
Just curious .... what would a "postus whoreus" award look like ?? :ummm:
I'm not totally sure, but I think it has something to do with one of these...