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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
Reaction score
New York
So my buddy has two grandmas. Both suffered from breast cancer and miraculously beat the disease. Now he is determined to walk in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in their honor and help raise awareness about it. However, to walk in the marathon he needs to raise $1800. He has $1080 so far and needs a little more to get him to the top. I figured since we are all big fans of ****ies around here and would like to see as many of them as possible be healthy and happy, we could help him out. Anything would help.

If not for ****ies, then make him walk 40 miles to lose weight before his wedding. Either way, its win win.

Here's the link to his team site with Avon. All legit, not like your donating to a paypal account or something.

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer:

No pressure, just putting this out there if anyone has some spare change they'd like to donate to a good cause.

Great cause. Lost my mom to it when I was young and now my wife is fighting for her life. Wish the walk didnt cost so much money, would have liked for my wife to be able to attend just to see that she's not alone and that there are survivors...Such a ****** disease in so many ways...Hope you buddy gets all the funds needed.