Being a full time auto tech for 30 years my box is full of 95% snap on tools. But the last 7 years or so I have been buying HF stuff. I have the motorcycle lift, air compressor, generators, Wood work bench, sand blaster, welder, electric drill, tie downs, and many other stuff. The price you pay is well worth it. HF took the place of what Sears was to the American people. Of corse there are some things that the professional tool truck have that HF don’t, but what pay more of less. The ICON line is a copy of the snappy stuff. The wrenches feel great! I bought a set just to compare quality and I blew me out of the water. I could use them in a professional set up all day and you get a bigger set then snappy for I think $85 usd. I always encourage the younger auto techs to check out HF first and then save the rest of your money for something else.