I'm building my own frame braces!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
I have decided to build my own frame braces ,since I have more time and talent than money. I just finished machining the end fastening points. I need now to build the little weld tabs and then bend the tubing ( hopefully this week sometime) Then weld them together. I have bent up some Tig welding wire for my patterns to go by when I am bending them up. Here are the pics

Scooter :th_biggun:
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interested to see this buddy. if u can do it cheap there may be money in it for u
Someone needs to make some sexy frame braces and not charge the mortgage for them.
ok Ghost. I might be interested! How much is your mortgage? I will try to be 10% less... LOL I know what you mean. I have been looking for some myself and way too much money... I actually thought of making a run of a dosen or so. But to make it worth it. I would need a vmax frame and engine set up on a stand. I don't want to use my own bike as a template. My luck I would screw up my finishes that I already have...

I was thinking before to find someone here with a nice one and to have it replicated locally.
It might be quite cheaper than the common $250-300 (without shipping) we can see. Even having those chromed won't cost much.

The only problem, I'm still looking to find one :)

Let us now when you have a dozen :)
Cannot wait to see how the first one will look.
If it does look great and the price is fair for sure a lot of guys will get from you.
I wanted to let you guys know that I have gotton the lower tubes done. I just probably won't have time to get around to do the uppers right away. The reason is, I have been called by a company I do work for off and on for the last 10 or so years. I have a background in some speciality things in industrial construction. That they are needing me to come and help them out. It is pretty cool when they almost beg you to come and do some work! Then you him and haw a bit then they break out their pay schedual. Then the fight is almost over. Then it comes down to telling your wife that they called. She isn't too happy about it. Then she asks " what are they offering this time". You tell her, next the only thing that comes out of her mouth is " Goodbye! ". It makes you feel good sometimes... I will miss my kids. Money is not everything in life, but these days I figure I better take what ever comes around even if I have to drive 1,000 + miles. It will build a nice nest egg for a while. To put it into perspective why I leave... Last time they called I was gone 2 1/2 months and went home with $23,800. The best thing is I didn't work very many hours for it... So at this rate My Vmax will have to wait..

See it as a good news. Money is not everything but without life can be so difficult.
No worry your max will be waiting for you :)

Don't hesitate to put some pics of the lower part, it's nice to see the steps.
Talent is more important than money.
Very nice start. I am interrested so please add me to the list.
And show us more pics later.
Go and return safely
Well guys!
I have a little bit of time on my hands today! actually I needed to get my mind off of our dog that was killed last night! He was my sons dog and pretty good dog too. So we are a bit in the dumps today. I needed to do something. So anyways here is my first attempt at the frame braces. I have only done the right side. I had a heck of a time with my friends bender. Not the greatest pc of machinery plus he is not a perfectionist. I didn't like the upper tube and how it worked out. I have welded the tabs on the inside of the frame. It was a lot easier than I thought , they worked out to be in a very easy spot to weld. here they are. Right now things are only tack welded.



