Here in south Florida, it's getting into prime weather for riding. Next month is a Dania Beach FL AMCA event (just south of Ft. Lauderdale), which has several hundred bikes of all vintages show-up for a great show. You see all-kinds of bikes, some are as-discovered, some are restored. All are entertaining. Here are some pics to do the same.
March is Daytona Bike Week, I'll be there!
Here's a mix of bike pics from FL events, and a couple of shots from the H-D Museum in WI. Does the engine layout of that last bike look familiar? It was being considered for production before the VMax was released, at the time the H-D management team bought the business from AMF. They had also been working on what became the Evolution engine, and in the money crunch of new management after the AMF buyout, they could only afford to release one engine design. So, the 'traditional,' air-cooled one got the production 'go-ahead,' so the existing H-D owners wouldn't be traumatized by being faced with a liquid-cooled V-4. It's interesting to note that the VMax, released shortly after the AMF H-D sell-off, lasted until 2007, well-into the second engine redesign by Harley, the Evolution superceded by the Twin-Cam in 1999.
As a sort-of Christmas present for the house, I just had installed a fiber-optic phone & internet (ATT) and the difference in upload is dramatic. I often would wait minutes for a single photo to upload, and if I tried to upload multiples at-once, forget it! Sometimes it just wouldn't ever load them! And, if I wanted to upload say, ten pictures, I'd have to be resigned to it taking more time than I was willing to spend at the keyboard. Now, a pic takes about 15 seconds, so I'll be able to post more pics, more-quickly. :clapping:
March is Daytona Bike Week, I'll be there!
Here's a mix of bike pics from FL events, and a couple of shots from the H-D Museum in WI. Does the engine layout of that last bike look familiar? It was being considered for production before the VMax was released, at the time the H-D management team bought the business from AMF. They had also been working on what became the Evolution engine, and in the money crunch of new management after the AMF buyout, they could only afford to release one engine design. So, the 'traditional,' air-cooled one got the production 'go-ahead,' so the existing H-D owners wouldn't be traumatized by being faced with a liquid-cooled V-4. It's interesting to note that the VMax, released shortly after the AMF H-D sell-off, lasted until 2007, well-into the second engine redesign by Harley, the Evolution superceded by the Twin-Cam in 1999.
As a sort-of Christmas present for the house, I just had installed a fiber-optic phone & internet (ATT) and the difference in upload is dramatic. I often would wait minutes for a single photo to upload, and if I tried to upload multiples at-once, forget it! Sometimes it just wouldn't ever load them! And, if I wanted to upload say, ten pictures, I'd have to be resigned to it taking more time than I was willing to spend at the keyboard. Now, a pic takes about 15 seconds, so I'll be able to post more pics, more-quickly. :clapping:

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