Is the fuel light ever supposed to flash?

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Well-Known Member
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May 23, 2022
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According to the manual, my 2020 fuel light will come one when it drops below 1.03 gal. Then it says if you continue to right after Trip F appears, the light will flash. Mine light just comes on, the Trip F automatically appears and the light stays on and doesn't flash....however, I remember when I first got the bike the previous owner didn't leave much gas in it and the fuel light was flashing....will the light flash when the fuel level gets even lower? I know that the fuel gauge flashes when it's super low but what about the light on the tach?
On my 2009.....The actual fuel light will come on steady and stay on steady. As the fuel level continues to drop, my fuel gauge indicator will begin to flash as it reaches the 1/8th tank mark. The fuel light has never flashed when fuel dropped to the fuel gauge flash. The most fuel at one fill up I have ever put in was 3.7 gallons. Normally I fill when between 2.7 to 3.2 gallons.

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