LOL.......Illegal non US citizens cannot collect welfare, food stamps, unemployment, disability, social security or apply for and receive "Obamacare". Those are just the facts.
Uhhhh, blinders in place.LOL.......Illegal non US citizens cannot collect welfare, food stamps, unemployment, disability, social security or apply for and receive "Obamacare". Those are just the facts.
Can they receive free medical care? Sure, them and anybody else that shows up at a hospital.
Can undocumented children go to school? Yes they can.
These people cannot be rounded up and sent back....there is no will for it and it is physically impossible. The people/companies that hire illegals are completely responsible for the problem. There should be harsh penalties in place for that practice, it would dry up the flow in time.
The bill that was passed in the Senate is actually quite good IMO, it allows the people who are here to work legally, pay taxes....etc. It also gives them a path to citizenship which IS NOT EASY......and includes hefty fines and requires them to go through a process that will take most 13 years of exemplary behavior to reach citizenship. It also has a bunch of other provisions to prevent companies from hiring undocumented immigrants, and ways to track people who have overstayed their visa's.
So, no blinders on......people who post a bunch of nonsense are the ones wearing blinders. Empty rhetoric has never gotten anything accomplished.
................If we we were to flood another neighboring country, what do suppose we qualify for?
If this pisses you off VOTE please everyone commenting here needs to get their friends and family and themselves to the polls and vote too many of us get mad and bitch but don't vote. Here in Michigan we have more registered Democratic voters than Republicans but the majority of our elected officials are Republican. Why ? Too many ppl are turned off by our political system. Please vote ! Maybe if enough of do the lobbyists will be out of jobs.
When the immigration issue was coming to light, it was brought up the difference between the US and Mexico. In the US each time you are caught, you are just deported.
In Mexico, the first time your caught, you are deported. The 2nd spend 6 months in jail....then deported.
If they can release the terrorists from " Gitmo " , what surprises anybody about the lack of illegal immigration enforcement ? Bo picks and chooses which laws he wants to enforce and which laws he doesn't agree with. And he is supposed to be some kind of constitutional educator / professor ? RIGHT !
Someone needs to shove every one of those memos up his arze - two copies each - and light them on fire.
My question - once HILARY takes office, will the political posts be as entertaining as they are now? Hope so!
HA! good one.
The common thread amongst most all posts on this forum re Obama and his administration, practically since taking office - has been that he is not well liked, and has failed miserably in his job as president. Am I correct here?
Unlike Canada, where the Prime Minister can be re-elected continually, your Pres. only has a short time left to serve.
My question - once HILARY takes office, will the political posts be as entertaining as they are now? Hope so!
Well he definitely knows how to get around things. Look at the difference between Executive orders.....and memoranda. They basically do the same thing, but he is using memoranda to continue to do what he wants....but then can honestly say that he has LESS E.O's than G.W. ...But he has MORE E.O's and memoranda than anyone except Carter and Truman.
My question - once HILARY takes office, will the political posts be as entertaining as they are now? Hope so!