John Furbur

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
South Bend, IN
Hi all. Here is my tale. I sent my seat to John for recovering. Got it back and it looked great, but the color was wrong. Contacted John and he called me back the next day. After discussing it, I sent the seat directly to his seat guy in Pennsylvania. That was about 6 weeks ago. I have called John approx. 12 times recently and left several messages. I can't reach him to check the status of my seat.

Does anyone have another way of reaching him besides his cell phone?

Any help is appreciated.

Re: John Fubar

Hi all. Here is my tale. I sent my seat to John for recovering. Got it back and it looked great, but the color was wrong. Contacted John and he called me back the next day. After discussing it, I sent the seat directly to his seat guy in Pennsylvania. That was about 6 weeks ago. I have called John approx. 12 times recently and left several messages. I can't reach him to check the status of my seat.

Does anyone have another way of reaching him besides his cell phone?

Any help is appreciated.


I talk to him all the time on Facebook and email too. I know they get backlogged with work once the season kicks in, but I cant speak for him. If I come across him, I can mention your concerns to him. Please message me your contact info.

Re: John Fubar

There is no excuse for not returning calls. I have read complaints like this about John several times.

Best to deal with Morley on the seats, he cares about customer service.

Re: John Fubar

My intention was not to flame John. The seat came back in a timely manner. Someone. Just shipped the wrong. One to me. The quality was great. I just want my seat so I can ride.
Re: John Fubar

Price of shipping only for a loaner stock seat. Don't have a cut down one at the moment though I could make one.

Re: John Fubar

My intention was not to flame John. The seat came back in a timely manner. Someone. Just shipped the wrong. One to me. The quality was great. I just want my seat so I can ride.

then why the title of "John Fubar" :confused2:
What does the guy who sent you the seat have to say about the mix up?
Re: John Fubar

Hey all, thanks for the comments and offerings of assistance. John called me to today. It seems that the guy who does the recovering for him is AWOL. John was apologoetic and assured me he was working as fast as he could to get my seat back to me.

As to the spelling of his last name, it was a misspelling. Unfortunate what missing an "R" does to his name. LOL
Re: John Fubar

As to the spelling of his last name, it was a misspelling. Unfortunate what missing an "R" does to his name. LOL

Just thought I'd remind everyone that RMS/Sportmax John's last name is FURBER.

Fubar sure looked like a bit of a go at it.. :confused2: Glad you cleared it up tho! :biglaugh:
Re: John Fubar

Hey all, thanks for the comments and offerings of assistance. John called me to today. It seems that the guy who does the recovering for him is AWOL. John was apologoetic and assured me he was working as fast as he could to get my seat back to me.

As to the spelling of his last name, it was a misspelling. Unfortunate what missing an "R" does to his name. LOL

I can tell you John will go out of his way for you to take care of things. I have dealt with him on many occasions and met him personally. He is a great guy just like Sean Morley!
Re: John Fubar

Hey all, thanks for the comments and offerings of assistance. John called me to today. It seems that the guy who does the recovering for him is AWOL. John was apologoetic and assured me he was working as fast as he could to get my seat back to me.

As to the spelling of his last name, it was a misspelling. Unfortunate what missing an "R" does to his name. LOL

Glad to hear it was a spelling error.
Re: John Fubar

As a follow up...the spelling was a mistake. That's what happens when you try to post on too little sleep.

I have purchased from John on the past (an extended drive shaft) and I have been happy with the service/quality. And I'm not really upset with this deal, (especially since it seems his guy is the problem). I just needed some help from the forum since everyone on here seems to try to help their fellow Maxxer.
Re: John Fubar

There is no excuse for not returning calls. I have read complaints like this about John several times.

Best to deal with Morley on the seats, he cares about customer service.


i hade made a lot of transactions with John and spicy in $$$$ like my fcr's - complete gear box e.t.c

never let me down , and never had problems. you should contact the guy that you send the seat as you said ,you send it directly to him. Or mail him or contact him by pm in fb.
Re: John Fubar

When I contacted John about the color issue, he gave me the address of his seat guy and I sent it directly there. But I have no direct contact info for the seat guy. John said he's either ducking his calls or something happened to him. He was sending another guy he knows over to the seat guy's shop to what see what gives. So I'm patiently waiting...
Re: John Fubar

ya. i feel for furber. i've had couple transactions with him that turned out without a hitch. based on the conversations i hade with him during these transactions, i know he's feeling downright awful that he and his customers have to deal with a second rate sub contractor. good luck, bro. hope you get your seat soon.
Re: John Fubar

As a follow up...the spelling was a mistake. That's what happens when you try to post on too little sleep.

I feel for you dude. About 3 years ago I remember getting all wound up because I couldn't find the "furby fix" on google. All sorts of swear words were used on that day. :biglaugh:

I think the psychologist's would have a field day with your slip up though!
Why don't you lie down and tell me about your mother? :rofl_200:
Re: John Furber

Fixed the spelling so you wouldn't catch any more flak. I spelled it wrong myself the first time I fixed it!!!