mayby a blown headgasket

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all vmaxowner, i have a blown headgasket but i can not determine which head it is (front or back) is there an easy way to find out:ummm:
i will only chance the one that is broken sinse it is only 2years since major engine build.
You could probably remove the spark plug from each cylinder one at a time and see which one stops the coolant leaking out. They usually will start to pressurize the coolant under heavy loads which fills up the overflow and then pushes it out.

i have tried with a laekdown tester but whit no luck ,can i start it up on only 3 sparkpluk and rev it whitout damange the engine?
I would drain that carb so it isnt blowing fuel through the chamber.
If I understand correctly You are seeing the coolant leaking somewhere?
I would sugest to check the crankcase breather cover as they likes to leak.
Any chance to see pics of leaking?
problem solved, i have taken both cyl head off the bike and found out left front was the problem, but i dont understand why????, i rebuild the engine for 2years and 13000km since. with arp studs and got the heads machined plane, so why:ummm::ummm::ummm:
no not look good, look at the brown place beside the ex valve, the gasket looks the same as the head
i dont know the data for warped head or case but i have measured with a 0,05 tool, it was the smallest i have and it was good on both heads and cases
Manual says 0,03mm but I've seen worse working like a champ.

Anyway if you are completly sure about surface quality then nothing else is possible like shitty gasket.
yes it can almost only be the gasket but it is wird that it only lastet 2years and 13000km
Yep, head and block is probably fine. You need new ARP studs ($120) and Cometic Gaskets ($60) from me. Then you can torque the heads with 60lbs compared to the 30lbs of stock.
