more on gas leaks, or "moron gas leaks"

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
Speaking of gas leaks, here is something I saw last night which called me to-action on several different levels.

I went to get gas and while I was waiting for a pump, I saw this truck at the pump pissing gas out the bottom in the middle of the truck like a bathroom faucet open 1/3-way. I decided to video it while the driver was inside the convenience store. When he returned and I confronted him about the dangerous hazardous materials incident he had created, all he could say was, 'why are you taking a picture of my truck?' By then I had his license plate & a shot of him, so I had it well-documented. I told him to go inform the clerk about it and he just decided to leave, which he did, leaving a trail of raw gas across the parking lot and out onto a 4 lane highway. I called 911 and reported a gas leak, went inside and demanded the clerk immediately address the situation, and then went outside to keep people away from the pump and pool of raw gas. Sure as S___, here comes some idiot in a car, puffing on his cancer stick in one hand, talikng on his cellphone with the other, and steering with his third..., and he drives right-over the puddle, stops, and I see his 'butt' is down to the filter, so what do 99% of smokers do when they are at the wheel of a car and their smoke is done? Do they stub it out in their ashtray? "No-ooooo!"

They flick it out the window! Why should they care where their incendiary device lands? Now I know some states like CA have strict laws about this. You see it happening at nearly every stoplight in FL, multiple times a day, and when you are cruising down the road, and that hand reaches out the open window, and drops their 'tow-bakky' onto the pavement. Some go for the 'let's see how high I can flip this lit ember brand into the air,' maneuver,
apparently in the hopes it may land in someone else's vehicle.

Back to the car over the pool of gas, and the idiot taking his last choking breath/draw on his 'rette. I started screaming at him, "don't throw-out your cigarette, you're on top of a pool of gasoline!"

He looks around, probably thinking, "who is this fool screaming at?" Then it registers on him what I said. I was safely away from this automotive roman candle about-to-be, so if he dropped his cigarette into the gas and it ignited/exploded, I would be safely away from the toasted-marshmallow man. He decided to hold-onto his butt in his mouth, put down his cellphone and used 2 hands to actually pilot his car away from directly on-top of the gasoline puddle. He almost went about 10 feet and it looked like he was going to exit the car with his cigarette trailing embers to the ground, to 'see what was happening,' and I just screamed, "Gas! Gas!" He got the idea, and pulled away.

About this time the local engine company from fire/rescue showed-up, so I went over to the officer and told him I was who called 911, he thought I was the owner of the station, which I corrected. Meanwhile the store clerk had come out and spread absorbent on the spill, and was brushing it around.

Then I showed the fire/rescue officer the video I shot, which had the guy’s face and license plate # on it, he copied it down and I told him that wherever this guy stops for the next traffic light, someone may get killed if a smoker lights the spill. He assured me that they were going to forward the info to the P.D. (police) so they could go to the guy’s house and see if he had arrived home yet.

So was this just a redneck kid with a poorly-maintained pickup truck, or something else? He certainly had not a shred of care for anyone who might be unfortunate-enough to be burned as a result of his vehicle gasoline leak.

This morning I went to a local seminar for C.E.U.’s for one of my licenses/certifications. It was a 2-hr.presentation by a local Special Agent from the FBI on “Home-grown Terrorism.” As soon as I thought about it, maybe the reason that this skinny young blond kid seemingly cared-not for the effects of his truck leaking gasoline and the safety of the community was because he was fueling his truck bomb and was on his way to a detonation site. Well, I hadn’t heard anything on the news about any such incidents locally this morning, but ‘you never know!’ Maybe the plumbing this ‘home-grown terrorist’ had for his improvised incendiary device was faulty, and that was what I saw as the cause of the truck leak.

The end of the FBI agent’s presentation was, “when you are on properties doing inspections, and you see something suspicious, contact us, even if you think it’s ‘probably nothing.’ Let us find out one way or the other. We have had good results from people being alert to something ‘not seeming right.’ We will investigate, we use community resources, and you are our ‘eyes & ears.’”

So, see for yourself, judge for yourself. I am glad no-one burned to death in-front of me because of this AXXhole.
If for no other reason, I'd be pissed if my truck leaked gas because gas is damn expensive. It probably pissed $10 of gas all over the place.

Nothing pisses me off more than people that ******* smoke at gas stations. Apparently in their reality, gas ain't be flammable. I see people all the time pull in, finish the smoke, and drop the smoldering butt on the ground right in front of the gas pump. Are you ******* serious?

I saw once another biker on some big-ass hd bagger filling up sucking on a cig. It starts to get full, and he leans over the tank to look down the hole, simultaneously taking a drag. I was seriously considering making a dash for it, if an ember or ash had broken off and fell near the highly visible vapor emanating from the tank that hawg and it's owner would have made a real life darwin award winner.

People's stupidity really can be awe-inspiring sometimes.
Gosh, that's crazy!

Over here it is illegal to smoke at a petrol station, and the attendant won't start the pump if you have a phone of a smoke.
People still try.

Personally, I smoke, and I see no good reason for people to throw their butts on the ground.

Good job saving the ******** in the car! I can't see the video, but maybe thats because I'm at work. I would like to see this, so I'll try when I get home. :biglaugh:
Why would you video it instead of stopping that individual pump, or even hitting the emergency stop button that shuts all pumps down (if the station was so equipped)??
I see people throw their butts down at stations all the time. FOOLS! Don't they realize it's the VAPORS that are flammable? And that the vapors tend to settle on the GROUND....where they are about to throw their butts? Good on ya for getting the license #, I hope they hammer the idiot.
When I pulled in he had already used the pump. He was inside paying. The guy on the other side was also inside paying. No gas was being pumped at that island. I did consider punching the stop switch but went inside after the redneck pulled-away and told the clerk about it, and he immediately did what he needed to. I called 911 when the kid came out and refused to take action for his leak. I also called the local P.D. Besides 911. Here, the county sheriff runs 911 dispatch.

Why would you video it instead of stopping that individual pump, or even hitting the emergency stop button that shuts all pumps down (if the station was so equipped)??
When I pulled in he had already used the pump. He was inside paying. The guy on the other side was also inside paying. No gas was being pumped at that island. I did consider punching the stop switch but went inside after the redneck pulled-away and told the clerk about it, and he immediately did what he needed to. I called 911 when the kid came out and refused to take action for his leak. I also called the local P.D. Besides 911. Here, the county sheriff runs 911 dispatch.

Got it.

I had a similar thing happen. I found out the hard way, that one of our work trucks had a leak in the fuel tank. Must have been near the top because it only leaked if the tank was full. I was pumping gas, heard the pump click off, put the hose back, and then heard the fuel pouring out. I dumped a bunch of that clay absorbing material on the spill, then told the attendent. He came out, had me move, dumped some more on the ground and told me I was good to go.

I was not sure what to expect. He made it seem like it was no big deal. I drove the truck back to the shop and had the mechanic pull the fuel tank later that week. We ended up having to replace it.

My biggest question is how many guys are working in my company drove this truck knowing that the fuel tank was leaking? Needless to say, that was on our list of safety topics at our next Monday morning meeting with the crews.
You can make an emergency fix w/a sheet metal screw if it is just a pinhole, sometimes.
That was crazy ****! TBH though, I have tried lighting gas with a cigarette butt and couldn't. On the other hand, I always freak out when people use their mobile phones at gas station, because any electric spark WILL light gas vapours very very easily.

In the UK we had a HUGE explosion a few years ago and safety devices failed and a muthafucka cloud of gas vapour built up over and around a major fuel depot just north of London. It went off a 6am exactly, when some central heating or AC unit made its scheduled switch...