Well-Known Member
Well, it's official, I'm moving to Lexington, KY! I have an offer on the table from the University of Kentucky Medical Center and have accepted, I start work the first week of September! I've got SOOOOO much stuff to do in the next few weeks, my head is spinning! We have already rented an apartment in the school district we want for my daughter's middle school, it does have a garage but I will only be keeping a couple bikes in there, the rest will be kept in storage at my father-in-laws house in Waynesburg, KY........about one hour south, straight down highway 27. My daughter's school has some kind of "bootcamp" on August 6th, so my first "delivery" will be on August 4th, I just bought a nice, big enclosed trailer and I'm going to take 3 bikes and as much parts as I can fit in there on the first run. Leave the trailer packed at her Dads, take my daughter to the school function on the 6th, head back home on the 7th. Second trip up will be the weekend of the 12th, we're renting a big U-haul and I have another smaller trailer that I can fit 2 more bikes on, school starts on the 15th. My wife is going to stay back in Dallas for a few weeks, we are getting the house ready to sell and she wants to finish out the month at work, she's a dental hygienist and they are going to have a hard time replacing her this fast. It's going to be a CRAZY few weeks coming up, but I'm exciting about started a new job and I'm looking forward to some cooler weather! It'll be nice to meet the northern Kentucky crew, in the 12 years I've been going up there on vacation, I have never rode a bike up there ONCE! So I have some new roads to learn! Can't wait to get this move done and over with. Gotta start thinking about that new screen name too! Wish me luck!