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Quite a few years ago me and the wife decided not to have anymore kids,One evening she popped up outta the blue and said,It would be so much easier for you than me,Old george had made several runs without a raincoat,So i knew we were pushing our luck.This conservation had came up more and more,I off to the doctor,Nothing to it he assured me,Damn near painless,In and out in no time.Also talked to my nephew he said walk in the park,So we sat up the date,And in no time off we went.The lady nurse called my name,The wife said you'll be fine.Nothing to it,Just like everyone said.Little did i know i was entering the house of hell!Lady nurse got me back there in the room,And said sir i need to to disrobe from the waist down,I thought she's a pro sees this kinda stuff all the time.Old george didn't look happy,Neither did fred and frank,(the nut brothers)George wasn't happy as he stared at the floor.Nurse looked and said i see you didn't shave,Now i was a complete nervous wreck,I rubbed my face .Nurse smiled and said not you face sir.She instructed me to lie down,Got her a can of shaving cream and a bic razor and away she went.Doc came in good morning terry,Were about ready to go here,About then nurse said he's ready to go.Doc told the nurse get the pain medicine ready,Pain i thought wasn't supposed to be no pain.Here come the nurse with 5 needles.layed them down next to the doc.Doc looked at me and said youll going to feel a lil discomfort .Bam! A LIL DISCOMFORT!! Bam again!! Damn!! I felt like he lit two cherry bombs and stuck em in my nuts! Now soaked in sweat.He said lets give that a few minutes.I thought thank god.Hope that's the worst of it! But no He squeezes fred and says can you feel that?I say barley not wanting anymore of them damn needles.Hes down there feels like he's starting a weed eater in the bottom of my stomach.I start groaning,Damn im dying i thought.Doc says hurting some uh? I'll fix that.O god i thought! Bam! another cherry bomb! bam Theres # 2 Doc says i have noticed you seem quite uncomfortable,Let's do another.Bam!!#3 Fred and frank are dead.He killed them and one more and ill die too.He finally finished.Thank god.Now delirious and exhausted. He sais you can get dressed and go home.Dont pick up anything it will cause swelling.Ok i say.We come home the pain leaves on the way.We arrive my son has left a car hanging out the garage door.I dont like leaving the garage open so i push the car inside and close the door .Felt a funny twinge when i pushed the car,I thought it's nothing ill be fine.Went in and layed down,Noticed my pain was returning my pants were a lil tight. i felt around and fred and frank have turned into bigg *** oranges.Off come ethe pants in my bloomers i get a bag of ice out of the freezer lay it gentley on fred and frank and stay there most of the day.It finally went down .Damn what a experience