Myrtle Beach Bike week Anyone

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I hear that for the past several years its not as good since the city banned events up north Myrtle Beach? I havent been there in years to validate this, but its just what I have heard by word of mouth and its not really as good? Do you guys have any insight on this?
My first time there was when the ban was going on an we still had a blast, i dont think the ban is still in effect,but even if it is we will have a good time.
My wife and I will be coming to Myrtle Beach on Thursday the 19th through Sunday! (With the 2010)
The city of Myrtle beach passed new noise laws in 2007 or 2008 and so everything is spread out mostly in N. myrtle Beach. They go after loud bikes for the $$$. Funny thing is right after the new laws took effect the recession hit and they shot themselves in the wallet with the noise laws. Now they just hunt down bikers with speed/noise traps. Please be careful.
