You're off to a great start. Here are some resources for you.
Print out a copy of the shop manual and keep it in a 3 ring binder. Also save a copy on your computer.
Answers to many questions you may have, like, what oil can I use that doesn't cost >$50, and many more.
Use the 'search' function, upper-right, to find many posts about whatever you need to learn. Whatever you're experiencing, chances are someone on here has already posted about it. You don't need to write out a complete sentence, just the topic to start is OK, like 'charging problems' if it seems that your bike's battery quickly runs-down, and it needs re-charging. That could be a loose or corroded battery negative connection, there are several, the main one is next to the oil fill cap on the right rear side of the engine, and another up by the gas filter on the right side of the bracket which holds the faux gas tank cover latch.
The 1985-'89 bikes use two ignition pick-up coils, which have a 5 wire M-F plug. The 1990-'07 bikes use a single ignition pick-up coil, and that uses a 2 wire M-F plug.
This map you should blow-up to a size big-enough to read it easily, and either have it laminated at a Kinko's or someplace else, or just do it to 8-1/2" X 11" and put it into a plastic slipcover, to protect it from greasy fingerprints. Note at the bottom it says 1985-1989 bikes for the USA market. The 1990+ bikes use a different wire diagram.

If you have questions, ask, but try to research the issue or subject on your own first. That way you will learn about your bike, and how to trouble-shoot it.
We have guys on here who sell used parts, and that is a good way to economically fix something needing replacement. A word of caution, we have recently had scammers swindle some trusting members who paid for parts and never got what they paid for. They usually try to give you an email from gmail and if you use paypal and don't do the 'gift' thing, but make a standard payment, which includes a small fee, if you're swindled you may have recourse to getting your $ back. I'd say that if the seller has a post count of single digits, look elsewhere.
This should get you started to become familiar with things here, and resources to keep your bike running.