2023 Motorcycle Supershow
Just a reminder theNorth American International
Motorcycle Supershow
Jan 6, 7 & 8, 2023
International Centre Toronto
Put it on your calendar and lets get out and support this event!
Since riding season is pretty much done for our "Fairweather" riders, meaning you guys, I'm still riding, get your Vmax's polished up and get them in the show! Those who are interested and can get there bike to the show in Toronto, contact me if you need a trailer!
Setup Thursday or Friday morning, please contact Brad and he can setup the time to be at the show for setup. Takedown 5pm Sunday. We are looking for bikes, participants and volunteers who would offer to watch the booth while at the show for longer than the usual walk throughtime, to give our organizer/participants a break for a few hours from manning the Vmaxes! Now what Vmax rider would turn that chance down !

Just a chance to gloat about the thrills of owning, operating, (bragging) about belonging to a great group of Vmaxowners!
Enjoy the ride!
This message was brought to you by your newly elected leader here!
Unfortunately I am working that weekend and Brad is retired!
So please give Retired Brad a hand

For old timers!

I will be there Sunday for takedown, even if it costs me a vacation day!
So contact Brad today to let him know you are in !!!
Start polishing the Vmax tomorrow, gonna be to damn cold to do anything else anyway!!