I use the German setting: “ Guduntiet “. You want it to seal but you don’t want the stud head to strip out next time you remove it.
As with many fasteners, common sense should prevail in the absence of actual torque values. Experience will often drive your adjustment. Torque follows fastener size and application… Roughly.
What kills me is to pick up a bike and find, let’s say, an oil drain plug torqued down to 50 foot pounds. Sheesh. It’s not a pinion nut or an axle hub that it’s holding on, it’s a plug holding back oil. Folks need to use common sense and look at what the fastener is doing and/or how big it is.
Right or wrong, I rarely go to reference precise torque values unless it’s an internal engine component. But I’d be willing to bet that I am pretty close at the end of the day. And I doubt seriously that a few newton meters or inch pounds either way it’s gonna make much difference.