Once again

VMAX  Forum

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville , Tennesee
I just want to say once again how great this forum is & how helpful every one is. I know its been said a thousand times but I had to say it again. I said something about my 575 mile trip to get the parts bike today & Dave insantly offered to go & Chris (85 Vmax) who I have never met shot me a pm & told me he lived in the area & offered me a place to stay for the night. I wished I could have took him up on it but had to get back for the tech day tomorrow. Thanks again every one this is why I donate & will continue to donate to this foru.
I really wish it would have worked out for me to go along.:sad2:

Maybe next time.

Glad you're back safe Bro.