one2dmax....batten down the hatches!!!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
Reaction score
north NY
Looks like ya got a BLIZZARD headed for ya....

WTF???? That usually happens here this time of year....weird....

Stay safe

EDIT.....Darn it...posted in wrong place:bang head:

Admin please move...I can't figure out how to delete it....I ar dum:ummm:
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LOL, Yea, started a couple of hours ago with rain and sleet. Now we've got about an inch of ice and still not soft snow yet. Estimating 12-18 inches before it's all over with. It won't last a week though. It was almost 80 degrees late last week and it will probably get back there again by the end of next week I am sure.

I picked the wrong day to drive my Camaro (not to mention it's supercharged and stroked too - lol). Traction is bad on a good day!

Crap, i'm even going to have to get a bigger jacket out again.

LOL, Yea, started a couple of hours ago with rain and sleet. Now we've got about an inch of ice and still not soft snow yet. Estimating 12-18 inches before it's all over with. It won't last a week though. It was almost 80 degrees late last week and it will probably get back there again by the end of next week I am sure.

I picked the wrong day to drive my Camaro (not to mention it's supercharged and stroked too - lol). Traction is bad on a good day!

Crap, i'm even going to have to get a bigger jacket out again.


Ahhhhhh CRAP......ya got chains for the Camaro???:biglaugh:

Seriously.....maybe leave it there 'til the roads clear up and get a ride home...:confused2:

Again....stay safe
LOL, Yea, started a couple of hours ago with rain and sleet. Now we've got about an inch of ice and still not soft snow yet. Estimating 12-18 inches before it's all over with. It won't last a week though. It was almost 80 degrees late last week and it will probably get back there again by the end of next week I am sure.

I picked the wrong day to drive my Camaro (not to mention it's supercharged and stroked too - lol). Traction is bad on a good day!

Crap, i'm even going to have to get a bigger jacket out again.



I can only hope you were driving the Camaro to the Post Office to ship my Scoops :worthy::worthy::worthy:
Good luck with that Sean! I only have about 400 at the crank but with my Summer ONLY tires I will be parking the G8. I took the snow tires off a couple of weekends ago. Doh!

Looks like only an inch or so which probably mean about 2 inches of salt! lol

Storm just left us here in NM. Temp dropped about 30 to 40 degrees
over last few days. 2 to 3 foot snow drifts in the east this morning
with snow still blowing.
Good Luck,
Thanks for moving this thread......:bang head:

All you folks take care......and stay warm.....

I'd rather have 20 below and 2 feet of snow than 20 above with a gale and freezing rain.....

And I'd rather have a a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy:biglaugh:
If I had a choice I would go for 75? weather all year long...

I am so screwed if we get to much snow and it doesn't melt... lol
If I had a choice I would go for 75? weather all year long...

I am so screwed if we get to much snow and it doesn't melt... lol

Personally.......I like the change of seasons....autumn is of course the best:biglaugh:
Made it home after letting the car warm up for 20 minutes (maybe putting in that 160 thermo wasn't a good idea - lol), crank went out wed. Scoops won't go till monday.

Made it home after letting the car warm up for 20 minutes (maybe putting in that 160 thermo wasn't a good idea - lol), crank went out wed. Scoops won't go till monday.


Glad ya made it....high performance becomes a hinderance on slick roads:damn angry:
Thanks for moving this thread......:bang head:

All you folks take care......and stay warm.....

I'd rather have 20 below and 2 feet of snow than 20 above with a gale and freezing rain.....

And I'd rather have a a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy:biglaugh:

Good one Boom! :rofl_200: That's funny!
LOL, Yea, started a couple of hours ago with rain and sleet. Now we've got about an inch of ice and still not soft snow yet. Estimating 12-18 inches before it's all over with. It won't last a week though. It was almost 80 degrees late last week and it will probably get back there again by the end of next week I am sure.

I picked the wrong day to drive my Camaro (not to mention it's supercharged and stroked too - lol). Traction is bad on a good day!

Crap, i'm even going to have to get a bigger jacket out again.


We i should say i had a few days of shit weather but nothing like you guys get but this week has been 700 kms of Vmax weather ,:punk:
We got maybe 2-3 inches out of this storm, (thank God) which all melted yesterday. Just enough to really get the fertilizer into the grass so it can start working its magic!
Funny shit, we had the blizzard and got may 8 inches. It's all gone today except the piles from scraping the parking lots. I got the take the kids out back of the shop yesterday and do some sledding on the lincoln hood behind the 4-wheeler. Welcome to Kansas!

We i should say i had a few days of shit weather but nothing like you guys get but this week has been 700 kms of Vmax weather ,:punk:
We got 4-5" of snow Sat night/ Sunday morning, and well, we still have it today. It did pretty up the 2 feet of snow we still have on the ground, but that's just the glass half full part of me. And still no vmax riding for me or for at least 3 more weeks. We need some good rains to wash all the sand and salt off the roads. :damn angry:
We got 4-5" of snow Sat night/ Sunday morning, and well, we still have it today. It did pretty up the 2 feet of snow we still have on the ground, but that's just the glass half full part of me. And still no vmax riding for me or for at least 3 more weeks. We need some good rains to wash all the sand and salt off the roads. :damn angry:

That sucks! It's going to be around 50? today.