Here's a pic I took on the way home from work, it looks like a 1970's Super Beetle, w/some front end damage. Obviously someone thinks it's salvageable, and it's a convertible, so if you already have a source of parts, then perhaps this will see one day its use on FL's roads. Knowing how those VW's collapsed in a crash, I wouldn't want to drive one down here and get involved in an accident. A neighbor of mine who worked at the public health trust hospital in the blood bank lost her life in a Karmann Ghia accident.
I learned how to drive in a '62 VW bug convertible, my parents bought it brand new, it was $2,225. You could buy a VW coupe for $1700 then.
This one was just a roller shell, I dunno if it had an engine in it or not, I didn't get alongside it to see, but since it had 4 wheels, I'd say there was at least a transaxle on it. The thing was missing doors, an entire interior & dashboard, and will probably be an expensive proposition to re-assemble.
Incidentally, this was taken about two blocks where ragdog2011 is living. Hi Dwayne!
I learned how to drive in a '62 VW bug convertible, my parents bought it brand new, it was $2,225. You could buy a VW coupe for $1700 then.
This one was just a roller shell, I dunno if it had an engine in it or not, I didn't get alongside it to see, but since it had 4 wheels, I'd say there was at least a transaxle on it. The thing was missing doors, an entire interior & dashboard, and will probably be an expensive proposition to re-assemble.
Incidentally, this was taken about two blocks where ragdog2011 is living. Hi Dwayne!