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diddly squat

Active Member
Oct 4, 2010
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time for new pads on my '86 vmax
what are the grabbiest ones you guys recommend for my stock calipers?
i can't find anyone that has those for the front of my '86 vmax.
does anyone know who stocks them for my old bike?
they are the same ones for all Maxes from '85 to '92. Pretty sure Sean Morley has them, or oyu can find them online at most shops, just google EBC HH
hey guys i found seans prices were around the cheapest i could find online and you get to support a forum vendor!
Hey Sean, do you stock any pads to fit a GenII?
$35 a set on the Busa calipers. I should have a pair on hand (can't remember if they are HH but it's what I run on mine which work well). Jim, I don't stock them but should have no problem getting in a set! Not sure on the price but I think you'd find I am fair (maybe not the absolute cheapest).

time for new pads on my '86 vmax
what are the grabbiest ones you guys recommend for my stock calipers?

HH sintered are definitely the way to go. I put them on everything when I change out pads from stock ... and if stockers don't feel grabby enough, then I just upgrade before using up the old ones.

Also, they make this really cool humming sound when you get on them hard.

Oh ... and I upgraded my front stock calipers to the busa 6-pots and the difference is AMAZING. I was afraid to ride the bike hard with the stock calipers. Mine's a '90, so not sure if they are the same as yours or not.
EBC's HH definitely seem to be the favorite here, I run them in my R1 front calipers and the stock rear.

They make the front wheel kind of dusty, but to me that's a minor price for far superior braking power. They also last a long time considering how grippy they are, I have almost 20k (at least, they were on the bike when I bought it), and when I removed them this winter they still had probably 2/3 of the material left. I ride fairly hard as well....they've hauled it from 140 down to 55 a.s.a.p many times.

They make a slight hiss all the time that I either never noticed, or just got used to. People who haven't ridden with me tend to comment about it. They do make kind of a cool noise when you're on the brakes, like a jet engine slowing down.
Sean has got some of the hh pads coming my way.
i appreciate all the feedback from you folks!