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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
Reaction score
north NY
I hit a damned pheasant on my way to work!!!!!!

The front of my bike is a mess of blood an feathers:bang head:

Scared me half to death.....

Took it right in the headlight:damn angry:

No damage tho......

It's your duty to eat it now!

I almost smoked an OWL the other night. First one I've ever seen in the wild - and I almost kill it :p

It's your duty to eat it now!

I almost smoked an OWL the other night. First one I've ever seen in the wild - and I almost kill it :p

If I had a place to carry it I would have picked it up.....:eusa_dance:

I have lots of owls around my house.......hear them all the time.....
Years ago i had a turkey fly off the roost and about took my head off the i think because it was a crotch rocket being bent over ,the windscreen took most of it,funny thing weeks before the turkey, my wife was on the back and a bird smacked her right in the face shield. Right now you have to be extra careful for deer due to the rut and them chasing the does last night on the news a guy got killed here. So just be extra CAUTIOUS.3933 JIM
+1 on you being OK Kyle. Big bugs can hurt like heck, I can only imagine what a pheasant or even a turkey would feel like! ...And I really don't want to find out!
I hit my brother in the knee with a rock which flew off my tire while going into a corner. He usually will drive past me in the corners and as I came out of the second one he was still behind me, with his leg off his peg and going slow. I pulled off and when he caught up to me he was cussing up a storm, he was in major pain!
I think he'll be getting armored riding pants for next riding season. :biglaugh:
Down here you need a "bike stamp" to harvest pheasants with a motorcycle. Also require a general gun permit, a WMA permit, a hunter safety course receipt, nine yards of blaze orange on your upper torso & a note from your Mommy. Ohhhh I wish I lived back in NY this time of year, where you can just whack 'em with your bike & take 'em home & roast 'em ! :biglaugh:
Wow!! Good thing he hit the bike instead of you Kyle, a bird that size could cause some damage.

Glad you and the bike came through unscathed....I was going to say 'unruffled' but that's only partially :clapping:

I've hit a few birds but not one that bug (yet). Glad to hear you made it ok!

Ya, phew! I had a small bird hit me on the helmet once in the UK, and it made such a loud noise and a big splat of gore on my shield that it scared the life out of me.

Glad you were all good man, you need a top box like mine then you could've had a nice roast pheasant for pre-thanxgivin' lol..
I recently nailed a dog on the freeway at 75 mile an hour,I looked over my shoulder to change lanes and when I looked back in front of me it was too late...It was dead in-between the lanes.(full sized dog,possibly a chow-chow)

I hit it and essentailly jumped it,but it was alot like nailing a bag of bricks at that speed.Darn near took the bars out of my hands! I woulda felt worse had I been the one to kill it but the other riders that saw me hit it said I caught air.


Glad youre alright man!
That's 2 critters killed by my Max this year.........

I creamed a raccoon a couple months back:confused2:

The amazing thing about the pheasant was I actually hardly felt the hit........

I saw it coming out of the woods.......braced for impact.......


Feathers and gore.......I hardly felt anything in the bars at all....:confused2:

The bird sure felt it though.....:damn angry:
When I was in France, I was always seeing deers or wild pigs on the side of the road hoping they won't decide to cross when I just pass by.
That's ******* scary specifically when you have already seen the damage those animals can do to a car. I don't want to think about a bike.
When I was in France, I was always seeing deers or wild pigs on the side of the road hoping they won't decide to cross when I just pass by.
That's ******* scary specifically when you have already seen the damage those animals can do to a car. I don't want to think about a bike.

I see deer all the time........

I am sure I would feel that in the bars.......and everywhere else!!!!!!:stickyman:
this guy got lucky, the deer was still small.
When you see those wild boars, you start to pee in your pant event before reaching them ahaha


this guy got lucky, the deer was still small.
When you see those wild boars, you start to pee in your pant event before reaching them ahaha



HOLY ****!!!!!!!!!

Them's big pigs!!!!!!!!

Luckily we don't have wild boars here.........yet.......:bang head: