Pi-hole! PIHOLE!! this thing is AMAZING!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2015
Reaction score
Black Hills, South Dakota
I opened up my pi-hole kit and got it up and online. Merry Xmas to me!

I started with a discounted Canakit Rasbperry Pi 3B starter kit off Ebay that someone else bought, opened and got cold feet. With shipping it was under $60 and included the card, cases, pwr supply and many other fixins'. It took me a while to get it sorted out as there was really no info for my router online, a bit of trail and error. Also had a little learning curve for Linux but I'm loving it. If it can ever play all my fav games I'm going to dump Windows like a demanding mistress.

Now this Raspberry Pi is in a nice clear case and plugged in as a network wide DNS level adblocker. It gives complete control through my win10 machine. Can black and white list specific entries or type them in. I can see what each thing on my network is doing at all times in real time, and I can put my foot on the windpipe of anything I dont like. I can access it's functions right in win10 with an admin dashboard that I can pull up via the IP and ssh software that was free and easy.

My wifes Samsung S9 was blowing up the internet like a mofo, but it's unrooted and still with all the factory bloatware running. I would never have an unrooted phone, my S3 is rooted with Slim 6 that never had Google Play or Store installed. It is pretty quiet on the network as expected. My Samsung TV is constantly chattering on the internet, I mean like every ******* second. Put a stop to that and a bunch of Netflix stuff, now Netflix runs much faster and my TV no longer has any sponsored links or tiles, and the menu is so much faster I hardly know it's the same TV. These items are my last Samsungs as I have figured out how much the monetize on equipment that is owned outright.

I've blocked so much crap and my very slow rural network is quite a bit faster. Wifes phone used to literally bog it down with all that Samsung crap constantly running. **** Samsung, I always knew they were terrible but now I can see how very true that is. Nice hardware, just to bad they are so intent on data gathering, tracking and incomprehensible amounts of advertising.

I'm angry with everyone I know for not telling me this thing existed, not really of course but now that I know it exists and how badass it is I have to share it's existence with. I wish I had known about this before! I'm sure some of you are already running this but I had no idea it even existed until last week. Now that I have one I am distraught that I never knew about it before. Seriously, for those of you like myself, that absolutely hate advertisement and privacy infringement, you MUST look into one of these. I'm never looking back. This is easily the best $60 I've ever spent in my life. I see they have versions already loaded with pihole and just ready to plug in, but I wanted to learn and explore Linux. It's the size of a deck of cards and needs nothing to operate other than power and LAN, LAN only for the newer ones. I put keybaord/mounse and HDMI to my monitor to get it setup though.

I have no interest or own any stock, no perk to me if anyone buys one, but this is something that IMHO everyone on the net should at least know about. I'm giving this thing as many thumbs up as I have. I'm pretty sure advertisers hate the **** out of these and are probably quite delighted that they dont seem to be common knowledge.

Anyone else running one of these want to chime in, if not then it's worth some reading. https://pi-hole.net/
Youtube has a ton of good tutorials for both Raspberry Pi and Pi-hole.
Cant endorse this thing enough, seriously.