Active Member
In the carb synch procedure, I don't understand what the presenter means. I highlighted the part in yellow below, and attached a picture... "Hook the sync tool hoses to the nipples. Left-rear is cylinder 1, left-front 2, right-rear 3 and right-front is cylinder 4. See the tape on the hoses near the manifold ports? Make sure you put the side of the hose with the restrictors closest to the manifolds. I found that there's less fluctuation of the gauge when done this way."
Why is there tape on the hoses? What purpose does it serve? What is the side of the hose and restrictors? I thought the synch tool hoses just plug into the carb ports. Somebody please explain what he means here so I don't miss something. Thanks!
Why is there tape on the hoses? What purpose does it serve? What is the side of the hose and restrictors? I thought the synch tool hoses just plug into the carb ports. Somebody please explain what he means here so I don't miss something. Thanks!